Category Archives: Info

Children In Need

For the third day in a row we have sold out of Pudsey Merchandise!  Thank you so much everyone, Pudsey will be pleased.  We will have a limited amount still available tomorrow. 

Remember tomorrow is Children In Need day and pupils (and staff!) can come to school wearing their pyjamas or onesies.  We are asking for a £1 donation to children in need for this. 

We will put together a grand total tomorrow including the Pudsey Cake Competition, the Pudsey Merchandise and the Pyjama/Onesie donations, as well as some of the other plans that some of the classes have up their sleeves. 

Remember you can see loads more pictures of Pudsey’s visit by going to Mr Bamford’s blog, and the best of the them have been sent to BBC Scotland, so look out on Friday night and you might just see us all on the TV!

Phone line issues – Now Resolved


BT have fixed an issue at the exchange that was causing the problems with our phone lines.  Everything now back to normal.

Please note that we are having issues with the phone lines in school at the moment.  We cannot phone out and are only receiving calls intermittently.

We have contacted BT who are working on resolving this as soon as possible.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Snapshot Week

Next week will be the first snapshot week of this session.

Pupils will complete all of their work for the week in this jotter and they will then be sent home week beginning 4th Nov for you to have a look at together and make a comment and to add any out of school achievements (including photos).  If you could please ensure that they are returned by the Friday of that week.

Pupil Council 2013-14

Well done to all of our newly elected pupil council members, who now have their badges and have had their first meeting.


The pupil council members 2013-14

P2           Millie Wilson &                  Mason Duncan

P2a         Grant McLaughlin            Hollie Yule

P3           Sam Fairweather              Layla Williamson

P3a         Ella Gallo                              James Love

P3b        Cameron Kirk                     Erin Keegan

P4           Matthew Kirk                    Lucie Morrison

p4a         Leo Carson-Dyet              Jessica Hampson

P4b        Kyle Beattie                        Aimee Hamilton

P5           Rebecca Emerson            Sam Glover

P5a         Aiden McArthur             Camille Campbell

P5b        Murray Fulton                   Pamela Lang

P6           Blain Whitton/Kian Dakin       Ellie Henry

P6a         Erin Scott                             Ryan Beattie

P6b        Kloe Hamilton                    Luke Stirling

P7           Emma Waugh                    Russell Menzies

P7a         Jenna Morrison                Ethan Horn