Tag Archives: Fun


P7 and P6 have been doing buddying, buddying is where either the P6’s or P7’s pair up with the P1’s or P2’s this year the P7’s were paired up the the P2’s and the P6’s were paired up with the P1’s. With buddies we do things like, gym, crown creating, junk modeling, playing, reading etc. I think buddying is a great asset to the school and its just fun and enjoyable.

Eco Club – Waste Week

Last week was EDF Energy’s ‘Waste Week’.  Sound School joined in and we had great fun.  The theme of waste week was ‘biodiversity’ which is when the humans, animals,  plants, trees and even minibeasts come together to help make the world go round.  Biodiversity controls the temperature of Earth, the weather and how we grow food.

Primary 2 & Primary 5 learned that things like climate change can be bad for biodiversity.  We must replace trees and flowers we cut down; buy local produce to reduce pollution and most importantly reduce, reuse and recycle.

Here is a picture of primary 4’s collecting the plastic from the classrooms ‘feed me plastic’ boxes.  At Sound we are doing very well at recycling plastic in the big bins at the Fish Box.  W

e also reuse plastic yogurt tubs for paint and are starting to use milk jugs to make a ‘bottle garden’.

The Eco Club told a story to the Nursery and the Primary1’s called ‘Litter Red Riding Hood’.  Litter Red Riding Hood doesn’t know how bad it is to litter until the Wolf tells her.  We learned that animals can get very seriously hurt and even die from eating or being caught in our litter.

Primary 1 made a giant hedgehog with the Eco Club using recyclable materials like cereal boxes, Pringles tubes and egg boxes.  We hope that when people see our hedgehog they realise that littering is not acceptable.  The Nursery joined in too, making birds using junk modelling.

Thanks to everyone for joining in and remember:


UNICEF Day for Change

PREPARING FOR THE DAY                                                                                                                                                                                        we have been preparing for UNICEF Day for Change here at Sound Primary School.The   RRSA Steering Group have been going round all the classrooms except P5 and7.We were telling pupils about Typhoon Hiyian.We did an assembly to P5 and7 .We were at the nursery to do 2 talks ,to the am and pm groups.We also had to set up a dance~a~thon and put jars round the school.


We have had a dance~a~thon in the school gym.All the classes had a time to go.The am nursery with P6 and the pm nursery went with the RRSA group.Our school does a lot about UNICEF.The RRSA group have worked hard and I hope they always do.

I can’t wait for the next event! Liam P5B and RRSA member

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Children in Need

Well done to all the pupils in Sound School for raising £1376.64 for Children in Need.

The pupils were fantastic bringing in old toys, books and cakes to sell at break time on Thursday and Friday. The Primary 7s organised lots of fun activities from hair-spraying to cup-pong and face painting.

You won’t believe who came to visit us on Friday… PUDSEY BEAR!