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Sound Service Station

Mrs Sjoberg and her Roald Dahl Book club went in search of Mr Willy Wonka and his chocolate factory last week during Wider Achievement Time. They had no luck in their search but were very fortunate to come across  Sound’s own Mr and Mrs Wonka in the Sound Service Station. Jordan and Gemma spoke to our group about working in retail, particularly selling sweets to our local community. Our group left inspired after a very informative question and answer session in the shop.

Thanks very much to all the staff at the Sound Service Station.

My Friend Selma

We were very lucky to have a visit from the Theatre in Schools Scotland tour. They performed My Friend Selma which tells the remarkable real life story of one gorl’s journey from war in Bosnia to safety in the UK. It is the tale of an incredible journey, a world turned upside down, loss, friendship, courage and conkers. We all really enjoyed it.

Dynamic Earth Visit

Dynamic Earth visited us with their Operation Earth show. Earthy was feeling a little under the weather and had to go to the doctor for check ups. We discovered what we could do to help Earthy feel better. Recycle, avoid putting plastic into the Seas and Oceans as well as cycling and walking to school.

7A’s August Outdoor Adventure

Primary 7a were lucky enough to enjoy a fantastic day of canoeing and coasteering at Cunningsburgh. Pete Richardson challenged the class to try new things and experience nature in the wild. Pupils even spotted neesicks playing not far from the shore. It was an excellent day of teamwork and challenge, which pupils thoroughly enjoyed.

Goodbye Primary 7

Primary 7 have had a busy last week at Sound. They started the week at the football and netball tournament. Netballers came second overall and our footballers made it to the quarter finals.

Later in the week they had their leavers assembly where their parents were treated to drumming, singing and poems.

Good luck at the AHS and we’ll miss you all.