9th December: Random Acts of Kindness

Today, the class was set the challenge to help out with some jobs at home. The jobs the children did ranged from tidying their bedroom to dusting and hoovering. Well done everyone.

Ollie’s mam sent in a picture to show us how helpful he has been. He hoovered the sitting room, then swept the stairs and scrubbed them with soapy water and a scrubbing brush.

Sianna has been writing Christmas cards to send to people and Hannah helped to make dinner.




7th December: Random Acts of Kindness

Today we have been keeping the classroom tidy.  We have been sharpening pencils and testing pens whenever we had a spare moment, but this means Miss Tate doesn’t have any photos of us! She is very thankful we took on this job though.

Ollie has been helping out and being kind at home too. He has helped to feed his brother today. Keep it up Ollie.ollie

1st December: Random Act of Kindness

Our first act of kindness is to say please and thank you whenever we can. Miss Tate caught Mary and Ryley J saying these words first. We’ll try to keep up these good manners at home 🙂 Catch us if you can!


Well done to Kayden who was caught at home saying please and thank you for a glass of milk 🙂




Thank you to everyone that could make it to our assembly. We loved seeing you there and showing you the movies that we have been making in school. It was also lovely seeing so many parents and friends in class afterwards for a catch up and a cuppa too. We have included photos for anyone that couldn’t make it. We hope you’ll be able to come next time.

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