All posts by Miss Tate

Information Handling

P3/4 have been busily learning about different ways to display information. They have experimented making bar charts, pictographs, venn diagrams, tables and tally charts! They would like to keep practising this though, so we’ve kept it on our learning plan for next week.

We have also decided to work on recognising and managing our feelings and building positive relationships with others.

Our Learning Wall

This week P3/4 asked people at home what they were like when they were younger. This created lots of discussion at home and the children have been excited to share what they have found out. Last week they chose the task to display their information creatively but this has proven to be a bit trickier than first expected! The children have now made up some success criteria based on their findings from their first attempt and have decided to learn more about charts and tables next week.

Come and have a look again next week to see how we get on and remember to leave us comments. We love to read them in class 🙂


Our Learning Journey Plan

This term we are going to get to decide what we are going to learn and how. We have made a learning wall so we can choose what we are going to learn next.

This week, we’ve been learning about our families and what they mean to us. We brought in pictures of our families and we wrote about them. Then we went into small groups and we talked about our writing. We made a success criteria sheet so we would know if we did well or not.

Next week we’re going to be learning about what we were like when we were younger. On Monday night, we will be asking questions to our parents.

By Emily, Tamar, Struan, Nathan, Ali, Ryley J, Nayana, Kayden, Hannah and Hillel.

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On Wednesday P3/4 and S1 were picking up bruck around the school. We found lots of rubbish because we looked everywhere in the garden. Lots of rubbish was stuck behind things and in bushes! We have learned that the wind can blow rubbish into the bushes and animal homes and that’s why we dunna chuck bruck. We enjoyed it but we hope to find less rubbish next year!

By Drew, Owen, Ollie, Tamar, Nathan, Alice and Nayana

19th and 20th December: Random Acts of Kindness

Last Friday, Holly surprised her mum with a lovely tray of goodies. Well done Holly.dscn4168

On Monday, we had a smiling challenge. We had to smile to more than 5 people.  “When people smile at you, it makes them have a happy day.” Emily.

On Tuesday, we were to pick up litter and put it in the bin. Nayana found a crisp packet and a sweetie wrapper in the playground at break time. Nora saw a sweetie wrapper being blown into the cloakroom and Ollie had to chase a crisp packet around the playground becuase of the wind, but they eventually caught their litter and put it in the bin.  Well done to everyone who keep our playground clean.

14th & 15th December: Random Acts of Kindness

Miss Tate hasn’t had her camera out for the last couple of days but the class have continued to be very kind to each other.

On Tuesday the class read stories to their partners. Sianna and Hillel kept this idea up at home. Sianna read to her mum and Hillel read to his little sister.

On Wednesday we tried to say nice things to someone else. Mary told Sianna she liked her jumper, Nora told Hannah she had nice hair and Ryley J told Kayden she was doing well during the Festive 15 Run.

What a lovely bunch. 🙂