Very Special Announcement! New Writer!

I have a very special and important announcement to make! It is– oh. You read the title, didn’t you. Ah. Weeelllll….. Anyway! I am going to have a new writer on my blog! Of course there is me, I write about recent books, favourite books, important book related events and I do short stories. Ah, I think that’s everything. Hmmm… I feel like there’s something missing… Oh yeah, that’s right! Book reviews! But… I do too many things on the book blog already… Aha! Idea! You’re probably aware that there is already someone on the blog who writes book reviews; Timothy! He even has his own category on the homepage. He does mostly reviews on Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and also reviews on some of my stories. However, I believe variety is an important component of a project, so a new writer will be joining us to get more fantastic reviews on the book blog; Robbie! He is my cousin, he is in my class, he sits two seats away from me, and he loves Adventure Time! So, when he asked me if he could write on my book blog, I was thrilled. He is peering over my shoulder as I write. So, ahem, expect to see more fantastic reviews than ever before! (^^)

12 thoughts on “Very Special Announcement! New Writer!”

  1. Find reviews by Robbie in the Robbie’s Corner category! They’re fantastic! I am very lucky to have such talented people helping me with my blog.

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