Category Archives: Discussion Topics

Here is where I include topics you are welcome to discuss in the comments.

Hello. Another Discussion Topic! ^^

I am (finally) back with another discussion topic! Today’s discussion topic is… best friends! Sunni! This is a book blog! Don’t worry, imaginary annoying characters. I’m going to have it related to books.

Whenever we read a book about best friends, we see them sticking together and standing up for what is right. Take the Rainbow Magic series, for example. But real friendship is more complicated than that. Not having absolutely perfect friends isn’t a bad thing. If you have arguments it isn’t the absolute end of the world. (dun dun dunnnnn…) So I would like to give a shout out to all of my friends: *deep breath* Vaila, Morton, Shannon, Louise, Ben, Charlie, Timo, Robbie (bonus points, he’s my cousin), Dhanial, Lewis, Ellen, Libby, Nula, Isla, Marley, Lisa, Kayla, Josh and Bella. *exhale deeply* Phew, that’s a lot.  Have I missed anyone? No, don’t think so. By the way, these aren’t in any particular order. Just the order I remembered them in. Anyway- Sunni! WHY is this a discussion topic?! It’s OK! Calm down! I want you to discuss what you think of friendships in story books. Oh, and write your friends down. My friends are like a bunch of grapes; the only time we’re leaving is when we’re not coming back. I’m grapeful for all of you. (I’m sorry, I had to.)

Tokyo Mew Mew

OK, I know Tokyo Mew Mew is in my recent books and my favourite books page, but I love it so much I put it in a post anyway! I mean, It’s a manga, an anime and a video game! Who can’t love something like that?! Anyway, I still recommend this. My favourite character is Zakuro Aishiwara and my favourite book is the last one. But this isn’t in the discussion topics category for no reason! What do you think about it? Do you have the video game? Have you watched any of the anime? What is your favourite bit? Who is your favourite character? I could ask more questions, but that’s for you to do in the comments. Bye bye!

Diaries and Why I Like Them!

Keeping a diary is great fun. Not only does it record your thoughts and feelings, but (for me at least) it makes you feel relaxed after a tiring day. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, picture this:
  You have just had a long day at school. You are so tired you feel like lying down on the floor is as soft as feathers. You drag yourself into the living room and turn on your laptop. As it turns on you go to the kitchen to make yourself a hot chocolate. You spot your old diary on top of the microwave. As the kettle boils you flip through the pages. A lovely musty smell seems to emit from it. You grab your hot chocolate and go back into the sitting room, slumping onto the couch. You begin to write a new entry in your diary, pouring everything you did today into the pages.
Now do you see what I’m talking about? Or maybe I just made you want a hot chocolate. Either way, let’s get on with it. My favourite part about diaries is going back through the entries and reading what I did maybe months ago. It always makes me smile! (^^) And you don’t just have to write in them. Drawing pictures for your entries not only helps you remember whatever you’re writing about in that particular entry, it also is a fun way to record how your drawing develops over time.
Well, that’s all I have to say. Do you keep a diary? I would love to know who else shares what makes me smile. Anyway, bye bye! <3