Drumming with Joy!

Primary 2A have had a great experience over the past term playing and learning the drums with Joy.

Every week we journeyed to the library and took part in a varied repertoire of songs and beats. The children demonstrated excellent listening skills, along with rhythm and dancing. They really enjoyed these sessions and looked forward to expressing themselves with the music. To celebrate their achievements they performed one of their newly learned songs in front of the infant years. P2A did an amazing job showing off their talents in-front of the crowd.

Afterwards they listened well to the other year groups who were also excellent. At the end of the show the whole infant department had a boogie with their teachers and Joy who was keeping them dancing with the upbeat music.

Some of the children even came to dance in the middle. What dancers we have in 2A! They had some fantastic moves! I think it is fair to say, we are all very thankful to Joy for her fun sessions and we are looking forward to partaking in more drumming experiences in the future.

Great job everyone 🙂

PE – Movement Skills

In PE we have been revising and developing our movement skills, performing with greater precision, control and fluency.   Some of our activities have included

-using our bodies, on our own and in groups, to create letters,

-navigate around a circuit of different obstacles involving changes of height and direction, coordination and balance,

-coordinating our feet to perform different patterns of movement using dots and ladders.

Here we are in action.


Outdoor Learning

We spent a lovely afternoon at the stoney beach our favourite place. Our intended learning was to revisit road safety, beach risky play particularly rock climbing and the sea depth.

We found some interesting treasures and we enjoyed a windy beach explore. Pupils were using descriptive words to describe rocks and shell patterns.

Pupil voice

‘I think being outside makes me in a happy mood’

‘This rock is stripy but in a circle kind of stripe’

’I found two fossils can you believe it, I know what kind of creature is in here!’

‘The sea is wild waves today, I wonder if the poor fish feel sea sick!’

‘I found a cave and when I put my hand on, I felt a creature inside it!’

Continue reading Outdoor Learning

IDL through Play

A lovely example of children taking their learning into their play. After our topic lesson learning about the Lerwick Town Hall yesterday. I noticed today learners had applied their knowledge of the shapes and structure of the Town Hall and they used the loose parts, magnetic tiles and wooden dolls do recreate the Town Hall. As we spoke learners shared the following knowledge and understanding that they had learned from our topic lesson the day before:

‘Look this is where the clock tower is and it rings every hour and half past!’
‘here is where you can get married with the stain window glass’

Learners asked for this to go in the class block play floor book. They also shared that they were using their collaboration meta skills.

STEM – IDL Town Hall Models

Our topic is Lerwick, pupils asked to learn about the buildings in Lerwick. Today we spoke about the Town Hall, its uses and how/when it was build and made models using pasta and playdoh. We were focusing on the meta-skill of collaborating and added our learning to our IDL working wall. Pupil comments:

‘if we make a square then it will make it stronger when we add walls’

‘you hold this part and I will hold this side and she can get the roof on, the roof is a triangle!’

‘My parents got married at the town hall upstairs!’

Meta-skill Link – listening to and valuing other people’s opinions and developing language of collaborative learning.




Bigton Farm and St Ninians

What better way to spend the first international day of play than to be outdoors exploring all day. We started our day at Bigton Farm where Amy showed us farm life, we fed pigs and were up close with many animals. We then spent time at St Ninians beach before eating lunch at Dunrossness school and heading to the park on the way home. We are so grateful to our hosts at the Dunrossness school and Bigton Farm for bringing learning to life for Primary 1.


Hot Cross Buns – steady beat & boomwhackers

We have been learning a song about Hot Cross Buns. We practised keeping a steady beat and we suggested lots of different ways we could keep the beat like tapping our heads or shoulders, or clicking our fingers in time.

We have also learned  about Boomwhackers and how they are used to create different sounds of different pitches. We worked out that the longer the boomwhacker, the lower the pitch of the note and the smaller the boomwhacker, the higher the pitch of the note.

In the clip below, you can see the class performing the song ‘Hot Cross Buns’ using boomwhackers.

Exploring learning through play, curiosity and the outdoors.

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