All posts by Mrs Sjoberg

Dough Challenges!

We love playing with dough in Primary 1!

Dough play is so beneficial to our fine motor, finger and hand strength and our imaginations and creativity.

Today, after a dough disco the class wanted to make ‘s’ with our playdough as it is our first phonics sound. We used our fingers to roll the dough long before creating the shape of a ‘s’, the class began suggesting words that have the ‘s’ sound in them.

We ended our dough time with a dough challenge, to make an item or a character and to create a story around them. We had a super hero snail, a snowman from the North Pole who was confused when it was Christmas, a unicorn in search of a chocolate factory and even a Mrs Sjoberg who was looking for her lost class. Lots of positive listening and talking skills as well as a whole lot of fun.


Number in Primary 1

Number and maths learning in Primary 1 takes many forms. We love exploring mathematical concepts in the outdoor space such as speed and distance using our loose parts, using different items to transport sand whist learning about capacity.

Inside we’ve been enjoying exploring our problem solving skills through puzzles and our loose parts and block play. Some of the photos below include number board games, number recognition and forming numbers in sand as well as exploring shapes and colour on our lightbox. We have completed 1-5 in our number study using the numberblocks as well as exploring songs and rhymes daily that include numbers.