Here is what we have been up to in week 2 of the term:

Fact Families Fun

In maths, we’ve been learning about fact families. They’re groups of numbers that all work together to make different sums and differences. For example, 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 2 = 5, 5 – 2 = 3, and 5 – 3 = 2. By the end of the week we were getting the hang of it and doing a great job with our sums.

Archery Adventures

We also had our first-ever archery lesson this week. The kids said they had a “great time.” It took a while to load our arrows and learn the basic technique. However, practice makes perfect and in our next session this process should be a bit easier.

Fairy Tales & A Dragon (Yes, Really!)

We’re diving into fairy tales this term, and this week, we read Jack and the Beanstalk. We spent the week reading the book and focusing our writing on the story. During free time some of us have been helping to paint a beanstalk to our wall so we can “climb” into fairyland. Talking of fairyland, our class got two visits from Dizzy the Dragon! He left footsteps on the floor, a trail of glitter and two letters! Dizzy has tasked us to read as many fairytales as possible throughout the term, along with turning our classroom in to a fairyland! The process has begun.  🐉

Kindness Officers On the Job

Our new role this term is being Kindness Officers. We’re coming up with ways to spread kindness in our class, like helping friends who need it, cheering people up, and giving out compliments. This ties nicely into our school values of respect and inclusion for the term.

—Primary 2

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