We have been learning how to collect information/data using tally charts and how to display our data in bar graphs and pictograms.
P2 suggested our next survey be to gather data about the colour of cars coming down the Sound Brae. P2 really enjoyed this experience:
Pupil Voice:
“Silver was the most popular car, I have 34 tallies”
”Blue cars were the least, I only saw 4”
”I forgot to use a diagonal line for 5 so I have taken one off the end and put it diagonally… I have 9 red cars in total”.
P2 shared their data with each other, discussing the most frequent, least, any differences and some were counting in 5s to total their information. We added our data to bar graphs, using multiples of 2 as our number topic with Ms Mitchell is counting on 2s we were applying our skills from her maths into data handling.
We’re a moving on to chance and uncertainty as our next numeracy topic with Mrs Sjoberg.