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Fire Festival 2024

We’ve had a great first week getting ready for the Scalloway Fire Festival.

We loved meeting the Jarl squad and trying on their sheilds , axes and helmets.

Poppy M
Poppy R

We’ve also been practising our Shetland Dialect.  We wrote Poems about the Fire festival.  We had to use nouns, verbs and adjectives in dialect.  Here is some of our work.  The rest are on display in the corridor.


Then we made Viking pictures using oil pastels.


P4 Enterprise

Primary 4 have been busy making important decisions as part of our Enterprise topic.

They had to decide what to make first and then make something that other people would want to buy.

They worked hard on these and we had to do some compromises and negotiations along the way.

Today they got to see their finished product.  They were all very excited and it was great to see the end result.

Hanna with the front cover she designed.


We have been finishing off our Roman Topic and learning about the Pompeii Disaster that happened in 79 AD.

We made replica models of Mount Vesuvius and had fun watching them erupt using bicarbonate of Soda and Vinegar.  We added some other ingredients to make it look like lava.

Term 1 in P4

We’ve had a busy term settling into Primary 4.  We learnt lots of new routines and done lots of hard work in Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Well Being.

We have chosen some photos to share…

Lilly, Hanna and Jack made a huge tower using magnetic blocks. They measured it and it was 1.6m tall.

Our Roman topic is well underway and pupils have enjoyed challenges where they have had to work together using everyone’s skills to design and construct models. 

Jack made a shield and axe during choosing time. We think he looks great dressed in a Roman tunic.
Well Done Kevin and Aidan who made the sturdiest Roman chariot model.
Challenge to design and construct a Roman Chariot model with moving wheels.

We’ve been learning about the Roman Army and how the Empire expanded.   We learnt some of their tactics when they went into battle.

We made Roman Catapults and tested them using cotton wool balls.  We had to make changes to our models if the cotton wool didn’t move far.

We have been learning about Roman daily life and what they looked like and wore.  We were shocked to learn that they cleaned their clothes in Urine!

We made our own versions of Roman Sandals.  They had  to be worn by our Roman lady (Zoe) and not fall apart.

Our Roman lady Zoe. Wearing a skirt and Togo.




Primary 4 and 5 School Trip to Aith

Primary 4 had a great time on our School Trip to Aith Leisure Centre and Michael’s Wood.  It is one of our top 5 highlights in P4.  The other highlights will be shared at our end of term assembly next week.

We hope you enjoy the photos.

Dorina coming down from the climbing wall and Trinity posing and waiting for her turn.
P4 and P5 went to Michael’s wood.
Mackie and Trinity Playing on the swings.
Brodie and Odin playing with the boats.
Camryn and Ella having fun looking at the dinosaurs.


Miss Barradas, Brodie and Peony having fun on the bouncy castle!
Peony having fun with the soft play.
We loved having a practise on the wall.
Monica and Ruby having a go on the slanted wall.
Monica making it to the top.
Ruby climbing a wall while going through a hoop.
Kyle was climbing across the rock wall and going through a tiny hoop.