Ollaberry Primary School

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March 14, 2023
by gw14petersonjennamic@glow

Fantastic Home Learning!

With the snowy weather continuing we have really enjoyed hearing and seeing what you have been up to at home.

Coen has been busy drawing a picture on his iPad. He also did a great job completing his Zones of Regulation descriptive word activity.

Coen completed a STEM challenge building a bridge out of snow. Coen was able to make a bridge that was strong enough to hold 2kg. He tested it’s strength holding 4.5kg but this was too heavy!

Lucas has been working hard on lots of numeracy and literacy activities at home.

He also made a fantastic picture of a snowman using pompoms – Great work Lucas!

Merryn has also been keeping busy at home.

What a great Zones of Regulation descriptive word activity and snowman picture!

Vaila has completed excellent spelling and topic work while learning at home.

Carly and Tina have painted beautiful Snowman pictures at home.

Anna has created a great snowy pictures with penguins. She has also written a lovely story about the snow.

March 12, 2023
by gw14petersonjennamic@glow

Snow Day Monday 13th March Home Learning

With Ollaberry Primary unfortunately closed on Monday 13th due to the road conditions, we have attached some Home Learning Activities for P2 – 7.

Please email if you have any questions, or to show us some of the activities you have been up to.

We are really looking forward to seeing you all and being back at school again, once it is safe to travel.

March 2023 Snow Day Week 2 Home Learning Ollaberry Primary

Snowday week 2 Persuasive writing Whaling P6-7


Cupful of snow with spoonful of …….
Foodstuff How the snow changed
salt                         Melts snow
sugar                      Little bits
rice                         Yellow colour
ketchup                 Red colour
oil                           Yellow it melted
flour                       Yellow powerded
water                        It melted

Find out which animals are superstars and why such as:
ANIMAL                                 WHY
Snake Anaconda                   Longest-5m
meercats                                 Look out for each other (most vigilant)
cheeta                                      Fastest

Amur leopard                        Rarest

Koala                                       Sleepiest-nearly a whole day
servills                                    Jumps highest
Sail fish                                   Fastest fish, 68mph
Beaked whale                         Dives deepest,3000m
vulture                                      11000, flies highest
Sperm whale                           loudest,30db


March 8, 2023
by User deactivated

Super snow stories

🌨️SNOW DAY❄️ by Merryn

“ITS FREEZING!!” screamed Nell,
“What did you expect running in the snow without a jacket on?” Eva said rolling her eyes. She was right though it was freezing. The snowflakes fell quickly on the ground piling up against the windows and doors and it was one of Nell’s not so brilliant idea to go out the moment Eva got up. Nell had gone out so early and so suddenly that she still had her pyjamas on. Eva couldn’t feel her nose and her toes were going numb, “Come on Nell please can we go inside its cold,” she whined
“UGH Eva you are sooo boring come on loosen up!!” Nell didn’t listen to Eva’s moans and kept digging in the 4 inch snow.

About ten minutes later Nell gave in and went inside to have some hot chocolate which Eva said was more cream and marshmallows than actual hot chocolate. “Can we go out again please!?” Begged Nell
“NOOO” screeched Eva ,
“oh Eva just go” their mother told her. Properly bundled up now Nell went back to digging in the snow ,”what are you doing now?” Whined Eva
“I am making an igloo” Nell replied as if this was the most obvious thing in the world.
Half an hour later they were in the igloo and it wasn’t so cold in there, “What now?” Yawned Eva sleepily,
“Let’s go inside” Nell said because their noses were turning rosey pink.

Then they went in for some cheese and pickle sandwiches and a big banana milkshake each,
“did you have fun girls?” Mum asked them
“Yeah I suppose,” Eva said
“Yeah definitely!” Nell exclaimed.
Out they went again this time making a very large snowman and named him Jeff (courtesy of Nell).
“Can we go back in the igloo please Nell?” Eva asked rubbing her hands together
“ Yes please” replied Nell rosy-faced. It was toasty in there and Nell almost fell asleep, “ GIRLS COME INSIDE THERES GOING TO BE A SNOWSTORM” their mum called out of the window; they ran as fast as they could and got inside just as the storm started. After hanging up their coats, hats and gloves
They scrambled to the couch and snuggled up in big cozy blankets to have their tea and watch a movie. Afterwards Nell got out a board game and they spent an hour playing that (Eva won.) Then Nell fell asleep on the couch so their mum carried her to her room while she was doing that Eva walked over to the window and could’ve sworn the snowman twitched his sticky arm Eva shook her head making her long brown hair fall over her eyes, that can’t be right she thought and went to bed


March 7, 2023
by User deactivated

Snow day Science

mixing snow and….? I wonder what

Its going well

Coen mixed three different items.. I wonder what Teddy is thinking about the green one!

P5 are mixing different foodstuffs with snow and seeing what happens… Well done Coen for starting us off today!

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