Tag Archives: Fun

Welcome to Week 5

Hello Primary 1-4. Here we are at the start of another week. I have put up your literacy and numeracy for today, as well as your Topic work for the week.


Just a little reminder that your music tasks are all on teams. Log into GLOW and visit the P1-4 Team to view the activities. They have been posted on the main chat.

RSPB: If you’re looking for something a little different to do this week check out some of the activity ideas on the RSPB website. Link below:

RSPB Activities

Circuits – November 2019

P1-3 looked at simple circuits as part of their work on Electricity. They were given a tub of equipment and had to work out how to put it together to make the bulb light up. Once they had achieved that target, they then looked to see how they could add in a switch to turn the bulb on and off and also looked at how they could make the bulb brighter. The children worked well in their pairs and enjoyed the activity.