Tag Archives: Enjoyment

Welcome to Week 6

Hopefully, P1-3, this will be the last week of Home Learning. I am looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 23rd February if the First Minister confirms your return to school.
This is a short week for you as there is an In-service Day for staff on Thursday and then Friday is a holiday. Monday 22nd February is also a holiday.

As Thursday is an In-service day Mrs Holden has put the Literacy and Numeracy work up for you today. Topic this week is all about the Roman gods.


Dr Justice will put your music activity on teams as usual, but I am also putting a link to it here. It’s a fun dance one this week that the whole family can get involved in!

Dance Challenge


P1-4 chose to work on a Dinosaur project this term. We have already found out about how fossils and dinosaur bones help us to know what the dinosaurs were like. One day we went to the multi-court with a trundle wheel to measure out just to  how long a Brachiosaurus really was. We discovered there would just be enough room for one to fit in! This week we have painted some dinosaurs. No-one really knows exactly what colours they were, so we thought about their habitats and then decided on colours!