
Wednesday 17th February 2021

Primary 1-4

Please use today as a finishing off day for any tasks still left to complete.

If you have finished everything and would like a task for today then click on the link below. Look at the grid and pick a person, object and place. Then write a silly sentence or a whole story about them.

Write a story Grid

Tuesday 16th February 2021

Primary 1

Practise all your sounds, especially the diagraphs.

Today’s sound is “ue”.
Click on the link below to find out about “ue”.

ue sound

Practise writing ue and then write some ue words on the back of the sheet and draw pictures to go with them.

Complete an additional Phonics worksheet.

Primary 2

Spelling: Tricky words

Practise writing the first two sets of tricky words.

Ask a grown up to test you.

Can you write some sentences using these words.

Primary 3/4

Use one or two of the ideas on the spelling sheet to practise this week’s spelling words.

Complete some reading work.

Monday 15th February 2021

Writing – Winter Clothes

You aren’t at school on Thursday this week so today’s work is in your pink Thursday folder.

Primary1 and 2

Write the correct labels  for the clothes the child is wearing using the words at the bottom ( Winter Clothes sheet wb 15 Feb in your pink Thursday folder)

Primary 3/4

Label each item of clothing the child is wearing on your sheet. (Winter Clothes sheet wb 15 Feb in your pink Thursday folder)

Primary 1-4

On the back of your sheet draw a picture of something that is only used  in Winter such as a sledge or snowplough and label the different parts of it.

Friday 12th February 2021

Primary 1

Listening and Talking:
Listen to the story of Anansi & Turtle

Anasi and Turtle

Discuss the story with someone.

What did you like about it? What did you not like?
Is there a moral to this story? Do you learn anything about behaviour from it?

Now draw your favourite part of the story.

Primary 2

Listening and Talking: As above for Primary 1

Have a go at the Tricky Word Spelling challenge on Sumdog.

Primary 3/4

Listening and Talking: As above for Primary 1

Have a go at the Spelling challenge on Sumdog

Reading Work:
Complete any outstanding reading work.

Thursday 11th February 2021

Primary 1

Winter Pictures  Write a sentence about each picture ( sheet wb 8 Feb)

Primary 2 Winter Scene

Write some sentences about what the children are doing in the picture.

Primary 3/4 Winter Ski Scene

Write a conversation between the two children with the snowballs then what you think the person in the skis will do next!


Wednesday 10th February 2021

Primary 1

The Alphabet:
Practise the alphabet song. Remember when you sing this you are using the letter names and not their sounds.

Practise writing the th diagraph in your yellow workbook p 10-11.

Now try the animal anagrams on p. 13.

Finish off by using your sound cards to build some th words.

Primary 2

Capital letters:
Complete the worksheets in your pack on Capital letters for names.

Word Challenge:
How many smaller words can you make using the letters from the  word below?


Here are a few to get you started:

tin, ants, pile

Primary 3/4

Practise spelling the question words below.

who   what   when   where   why

Now complete the Questions worksheet in your pack.

Have a go at the word challenge under Primary 2 above.

Tuesday 9th February 2021

Primary 1

Practise all your sounds, especially the diagraphs.

Today’s sound is “oi”.
Click on the links below to find out about “oi.

Jolly Phonics oi

Little Learners oi

Practise writing oi and then write some oi words on the back of the sheet and draw pictures to go with them.

Complete an additional Phonics worksheet.

Primary 2

Complete the Alternative Spelling sheet on the er/ir/ur sound. Choose some of the words on the sheet to put into sentences on the back.
Remember to start a sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop.

Primary 3/4

Use one or two of the ideas on the spelling sheet to practise this week’s spelling words.

Complete some reading work.

Monday 8th February 2021

Write some news about something you have been up to this last week or so. use the worksheet in your pack.

Primary 1 – focus on sounding out as many words as you can to write yourself.

Primary 2 – try and write in full sentences, remembering to start each sentence with a capital letter and end with a full stop. Read over your sentences to make sure they make sense.

Primary 3/4 –  try and use some good adjectives (describing words) in your writing. Describe what you did or saw or felt in as much detail as you can.

Friday 5th February 2021

Primary 1

Talk for Writing:

Max’s Jungle Adventure

Look at the Animal Fact File  on the Tiger.

Now find out about an animal you like and make your own fact file. Use the My Fact File worksheet to record your information. Don’t forget to draw a picture.

Primary 2

As above for Primary 1.

Primary 3/4

Talk for Writing: 

The Elves and the Shoemaker

Read the riddle on Worksheet 6.
Now see if you can make up a riddle about an animal.  Worksheet 7

Thursday 4th February 2021


Adjectives are words which describe things.

Primary 1 -4

Write a list of adjectives to go with each picture on your sheet (wb 1st February  in your pink Thursday folder.

Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Primary 1

Practise your sounds and blending using games on the Phonics Play website.  The username and password to login are displayed on the front page of the site. Link below:

Phonics Play

The site is based on the English curriculum, but we have covered most of the sounds/diagraphs in Phase 3. So either pick Phase 2 or Phase 3 if asked to select for a game.  Good games to try are:

Dragons DenReading Robot  and Pick a Picture, are good games to try first.

Now practise writing “sh” in your Yellow Phonics workbook p. 8 & 9 and then your capital letters on p.12.

Primary 2

Capital letters:
Watch the BBC Bitesize unit on Capital Letters.

BBC Bitesize Capital Letters

Now do the Rainbow Capitals  Worksheet– choose a coloured pencil and write the capital letters inside the outline. Then choose a different colour and do it again. Once you have repeated this a few times with different colours you’ll have rainbow capitals.

Finally do the Pet Names Worksheet.

Primary 3/4

Grammar – Questions:
Watch the two BBC Bitesize units below on question marks.

How to use Question Marks.

How to write questions.

Now complete Grammar Unit 12 in your blue jotter.

Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Primary 1

Practise all your sounds.

Today’s sound is “ou”.
Click on the links below to find out about “ou” .

Jolly Phonics ou

Little Learners ou

Practise writing ou and then draw and write some ou words on the back of the sheet.

Complete an additional Phonics worksheet.

Primary 2

Complete the Alternative Spelling sheet on the ue sound.
Choose some of the words on the sheet to put into sentences on the back.
Remember to start a sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop.

Primary 3/4

I have put a sheet with new spelling ideas into your pack.
Choose one or two of these ideas to practise this week’s spelling words.

You could also write some sentences with your words. Try and include some interesting adjectives and verbs in your sentences.

Monday 1st February 2021

Primary 1

Talk for Writing:

Max’s Jungle Adventure

The focus today is on Talking and Listening.
Complete the Guess Who and Noisy Animals follow up worksheets.

Primary 2

Talk for Writing:
As above for Primary 1

Primary 3/4

Talk for Writing: 

The Elves and the Shoemaker

Either read or listen to the story again and then do worksheets 3 & 4 from your pack.

Friday 29th January 2021

Primary 1

Talk for Writing:
Max’s Jungle Adventure – Complete the Design a New bandana and Exploring Words follow up worksheets

Complete 2 Rhyming Worksheets.

Primary 2

Talk for Writing:
As above for Primary 1

Complete the Alternative Spelling sheet on the ou/ow sound. Choose some of the words on the sheet to put into sentences on the back. Remember to start a sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop.

Primary 3/4

Talk for Writing:

The Elves and the Shoemaker

Either read or listen to the story again and then do worksheet 5.

Complete Sumdog spelling.

Thursday  28 January 2021


Read this Poem about a Snowman. It is an acrostic poem.  The first letter of each line are the letters which spell Snowman.Winter/Christmas themed acrostic poems | Teaching Resources

Now write your own acrostic poem about Winter clothing using the sheet  in your pink folder.

Tuesday 26th January 2021

Primary 1

Practise all your sounds.

Today’s sound is “qu”.
Click on the links below for some “qu” activities

Jolly Phonics qu

“qu” words

Practise writing “qu” and then draw pictures of “qu” words on the back of the sheet and label them. There aren’t as many to choose from compared with your other sounds!

Primary 2

Watch the video to remind yourself about the rule for writing oi/oy

Mr Spelling – oi/oy

Complete the Alternative Spelling sheet on the oi/oy sound. Choose some of the words on the sheet to put into sentences on the back. Remember to start a sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop.

Primary 3/4

Verbs: Watch the video and complete the tasks in the BBC Bitesize unit below to remind yourself about verbs.

BBC Bitesize Verbs

Now complete Grammar week 3 in your Blue Jotter.

Monday 25th January 2021

Primary 1 & Primary 2

Click on the link below to take you to the Talk for Writing Unit

Max’s Jungle Adventure

Listen to the story and then do the Exploring the Story and Quiz time follow up worksheets.

Primary 3/4

Click on the link below to take you to the Talk for Writing Unit

The Elves and the Shoemaker

Either read or listen to the story and then do worksheets 1 & 2, either by writing the answers or discussing them.

Friday 22nd January 2021

Primary 1

Watch the BBC Bitesize teacher Talk on rhyming:

BBC Bitesize Teacher Talks Rhyming

Complete two Rhyming Worksheets.

Story Time: Click the link below and choose a story to listen to.

Time for a Story

Primary 2

Complete the alternative sheet on the oa sound.
Choose some of the words on the sheet to put into sentences on the back.

Remember to start a sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop.

Storytime: as above

Primary 3/4

Complete Sumdog Spelling.
Make sure you are up to date with Reading Work.

Storytime: as above

Thursday 21st January 2021 Winter Poetry P1-4

Read this poem.

The Beach in Summer

I can see people sunbathing.

I can hear children in the water.

I can feel the warm sand on my feet.

I can the smell food on a BBQ.

I can taste ice-cream .

Write your own poem called  ‘The Beach in Winter’ in the same way imagining what you can ( or can’t) see , hear, feel, smell and taste.

Use the sheet in your pink folder. Add some little pictures too.

Wednesday 20th January 202

Primary 1 

Ask someone to lay out some words with ch, sh and th in them for you to read.
Find some suggestions on the link below:

Examples of ch sh and th words

Then ask them to say a word with  ch, sh or th in it for you to try and spell out using your cards OR you could practise your letter formation by writing the word.

Complete 2 phonics worksheets.

Primary 2

Remember nouns are naming words.

Can you think of a noun to go with every letter of the alphabet? Have a go and see if you can. Some letters are easier than others.

Now complete the Sorting Nouns Worksheet.

Primary 3/4

Remember that adjectives are describing words. They describe nouns.

Pick a noun and see who in your family can come up with the most adjectives to describe it.

Now complete the Week 2 Grammar work on Adjectives in your blue jotter.
(Pupils without the blue jotter can work on Reading follow up work or Codecracker.)

Tuesday 19th January 2021

Primary 1

Practise all your sounds.

Today’s sound is “th”.
Click on the links below for some “th” activities

Phonics “th”
BBC Bitesize – “th”

Practise writing “th” and then draw pictures of “th” words on the back of the sheet and label them.
Can you find anything in your house which has the “th” sound.
Use your sound cards to build words with “sh” in them.

Primary 2

Watch the video to remind yourself about all the ways to write the “ie” sound.

The “ie” sound

Complete the Alternative Spelling sheet on the ie sound. Choose some of the words on the sheet to put into sentences on the back. Remember to start a sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop.

Primary 3

Spelling: Use one or two of the ideas on the spelling sheet to practise this week’s spelling words.

Homophones: Look at the BBC Unit on to, too and two

BBC Bitesize to, two and too

Now complete the worksheet in your pack.

Monday 18th January 2021

Primary 1

Draw a picture of something you have done over the past week. Now try and write a sentence to go with the picture. Use your sounds to spell out the words and get someone to help you with any tricky ones. Use the dated worksheet in your pack.

Primary 2/3/4

Writing: My Best Day
Think of a really special day that you have had. It might be a birthday or day you had away on holiday. Or it could be a day when you did something with a friend or relative. Pick a day you remember well. Use the Planning Sheet to jot down notes – Where were you? What did you do? How did you feel?

Now write about your day. Remember to write in sentences.  You could also draw a picture if you want.

(Any Primary 2/3 without the My Best Day sheets can do the same as Primary 1)

Friday 15th January 2021

Primary 1

Complete 2 Rhyming Worksheets

Listen to the following story, it has lots of rhyming words. Then have a go at the Draw along.

Story – The Runaway Pea

The Runaway Pea – Draw along

Primary 2

Complete the alternative sheet on the ee sound.
Choose some of the words on the sheet to put into sentences on the back. Remember to start a sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop.

Storytime: as above

Primary 3/4

Complete Sumdog Spelling.
Make sure you are up to date with Reading Work.

Storytime: as above

Literacy Thursday 14th   January 2021 Writing -Poetry

Open your pink Thursday folder at the first page.

Read or ask a parent to read the Poem ‘ What Could I  be?’

What do you think the poem is describing? Look at the picture for clues.

Read or ask a parent to read the questions about the poem on the next page (dated wb 11 Jan) Tick the correct answers.

P1 Now you write some words to describe something you see in Winter such as an icicle, frost or a snowball …. without actually using the word of the thing you are describing.

P2,3,4 Now you write your own short poem to describe something you see in Winter such as an icicle, frost or a snowball …. without actually using the word of the thing you are describing

Practice writing your words or poem on a piece of scrap paper then write it neatly on the blank sheet of paper in your folder.

Illustrate your poem/words.

See if anyone in your family can guess what your poem is about or send it to me if you can to see if I can guess what it is about.

Wednesday 13th January 2021

Primary 1

Ask someone to lay out CVC words with your sound cards for you to read. Move onto CCVC and CVCC words. (C=consonant, V=vowel)
Find some suggestions on the link below:

Examples of CVC CCVC and CVCC words

Then ask them to say a word for you to try and spell out using your cards OR you could practise your letter formation by writing the word.

Finally complete two of the  Phonic Worksheets in your pack.

Primary 2

Look at the Nellie the Noun Lady worksheet. Read, or ask someone to read to you, the information side of the sheet. We have spoken about nouns in class before so this will be revision.

On the other side of the worksheet try and write a noun into every box. Look around at all the things in the room you are in to give you ideas.

Primary 3/4

Look at the BBC Bitesize unit on nouns. Click link below.


Now complete the Week 1 Grammar work on Nouns in your blue jotter.
(Pupils without the blue jotter can work on Reading follow up work or Codecracker.)

Tuesday 12th January 2021

Primary 1

Practise all your sounds.

Today’s sound is “sh”.
Click on the link below for some “sh” activities
BBC Bitesize – “sh”
Practise writing “sh” and then draw pictures of “sh” words on the back of the sheet and label them.
Use your sound cards to build words with “sh” in them.

Primary 2

Watch the video below to remind yourself when to use “ai” or “ay”
ai/ay video

Complete the  Spelling sheet on ai/ay/a-e. Write some sentences on the back of the sheet using some of the words. Remember to start a sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop.

Primary 3/4

Spelling: Use one or two of the ideas on the spelling sheet to practise this week’s spelling words.

Homophones: Look at the BBC Unit on homophones.


Now see how many homophones you can find. Use the worksheet to list them.

Monday 11th January 2021

Today I would like you to write your holiday news. Think about the following questions to help you decide what to tell me about.

What did Santa bring you?
What did you do on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?
What food did you eat?
What games did you play?

Use the Christmas News sheet in your learning pack. Don’t forget to draw a picture to go with your writing.
Primary 1 – get someone to scribe for you if you need help and then you can copy out neatly.
Primary 2 – Sound out and write as many words as you can yourself. Ask for help with the trickier ones.
Primary 3/4  –  include lots of detail and remember to write in sentences.

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