All posts by Mrs Thomson


P1-4 chose to work on a Dinosaur project this term. We have already found out about how fossils and dinosaur bones help us to know what the dinosaurs were like. One day we went to the multi-court with a trundle wheel to measure out just to  how long a Brachiosaurus really was. We discovered there would just be enough room for one to fit in! This week we have painted some dinosaurs. No-one really knows exactly what colours they were, so we thought about their habitats and then decided on colours!

Busy Bairns

P1-4 have been   busy with lots of different activities since returning to school. Amongst other things P1 have been using their building skills with the construction and enjoying playing in the water and fixing jigsaws. P2 have been using pegboards to make patterns and using multi-phonics to revise their sounds and word building. P3/4 have been making jigsaws of the World, Europe and the United Kingdom to help with their map work. The class have also enjoyed being outside for scavenger hunts, number work and PE.