Welcome Back and Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and have enjoyed your holidays. We will be starting this term with Home Learning, but hopefully it will not be too long until I see you all back in school. 

I will be putting a Literacy and Numeracy task on the blog each day, apart from Thursday when Mrs Holden will be doing it. If any of the tasks require follow up worksheets then they will be in your learning Pack. You just need to click on the Home Learning tab above to access the tasks.

There are also some additional numeracy sheets in your pack which you can work on over the next three weeks, as well as your reading books and reading follow up work for P3/4.

The visiting teachers will be setting activities for Music, Art and P.E. and there will also be some Topic and Health and Well being activities.

The P1-4 Class Team can be accessed on GLOW where you can go for a chat and find out what your friends are up to. You can also send me messages as well.

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