Farewell Mrs Sunshine

We had to say farewell to Mrs Sutherland this week.  Mrs Sutherland had been covering the vacant post which Mrs Dutch has now filled.

The bairns nick-named Mrs Sutherland “Mrs Sunshine” which seemed to stick with her throughout her time with us.  We had a lovely send off for her with sunshine stickers, songs and dance.

We will really miss Mrs Sutherland and really appreciate all her support, but we will look forward to seeing her in Nursery again anytime to cover holidays and such like.



I’ll huff and I’ll puff…….

The bairns have been really interested in building this term.  This week we read the story of The Three Little Pigs and experimented with building houses for each pig out of straw, sticks and bricks…..

It was really hard to build a house from the straw.  “It didn’t stay up.” (Elsie)


“I huffed and I puffed and I could knock da sticks down.” (Honor)

“The best one was when we used all the stuff to build da house.  It was da biggest and da strongest.”






We had lots of fun exploring the story with roleplay and exploring, strength, materials, size, weight, position, forces, problem solving to decide on the best material and how to test them.

The bairns decided the bricks were easier to build with because they could stack but they still fell over, so we explored different types of brick….foam….wood….stone….and built a wall.

Busy bees….

It’s great to be busy, work together, problem solve and let friendships develop, all at play.

we have enjoyed making pizza for snack, lots of building and measuring and being creative.  The bairns really enjoyed themselves and transferred they play outside, using larger loose parts to build than the marble run and making pizza and soup in the mud kitchen.

Mrs Colvin “Oooh this tastes like delicious chicken soup.”  “No Mrs Colvin, it’s MUD soup!” 😂

The bairns made a games hiding balls in pipes and wondered how to get them out, how many would come out, which end would they come out and so on.  Lots of great counting, estimating and problem solving as well as great co-operation working together.

There’s a bit of a Frozen frenzy happening in Nursery too with the upcoming new Frozen 2!  Our bairns are turning their den into a Frozen palace, enjoying the princess dresses and songs.

our creative area has been popular making Frozen props and decorations with a focus on using squares as our shape of the week.


Hand Washing

We had a lovely visit from our School Nurse this week. She had a special light box which helped us to see if we were washing our hands well.  She also showed us the best way to wash our hands to keep ourselves and others healthy.

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!

For Children in Need today we thought about helping others and being kind.  We watched videos of different people’s lives and stories about how the Children in Need appeal had helped them.  We talked about people we knew who benefitted from the support of Children in Need and those we didn’t know or lived further away from us. We talked about the things we could do every day to help support each other and also what we could do on days like today to helper a wider circle of people.

Later, we played some Pudsey games. Indie told us she was going to visit Pudsey at the library in town and some children thought that sounded exciting so we decided to go on a bear hunt at Nursery too!……

……..we had to look high and low, far away and close up.  We looked under things, over things and inside things to find them all…..

Everyone had fun finding a bear and looked after them for the rest of the day at Nursery.

Exploring Ice

What amazing weather we’ve had for playing outdoors.  The bairns have really embraced all weathers an have been excited to be out to experience all weather types.

We had lots of fun collecting haily puckles…..who caught the most?….who caught the least? ……who had the best container for catching hail?……then they decided to gather their hail altogether and touch, feel, eat and play with it.

We had lots of mark making in the frost, using ice scrapers, sticks and spoons to make roads, draw, patterns, handprints and much more.

And of course smashing the ice was the most fun.  Our polar bears froze in the ice and we had to smash them out.  Some polar bears left a perfect pattern in the ice and we talked about fossils, felt the imprints with our fingers and discussed floating icebergs as the ice began to melt in the water.

The bairns were excited to tell us they could not find a circle shape amongst all the smashed frozen ice.  “It’s sharp”,  “it’s pointy”, “It’s like glass”, “it’s a triangle”, “mine has more points than a triangle”,  “mines is slidy”, “mine is smooth”, “it makes my hands sore”, “I don’t like it”, “I want to eat it”……….

Outdoor play

We love to be outdoors.  This week we have been focusing on the shape “circles” and what fun we’ve had.

Archie and Indie made up their own game by making circles for stepping stones and numbering them to make a path to follow.

We played some circle games where everyone’s favourite was Duck Duck Goose. It was a bit chilly so the bairns thought some races would help warm them up.  Following our circle theme we used tyres to roll across the playground and race each other.  The tyres made great use of the bairns motor skills and coordination while they lifted, pushed and rolled them across the playground with such amazing control.



Exploring paint and colour

We have been learning about colours and exploring paint to mix colours as well as create some explosive Fireworks!

The Bairns used spray bottles on the walls to achieve different patterns in the sky and experiment with colours mixing and running.

Some bairns chose to mix their paint by squashing a balloon on their puddle of paint and watch the shapes and colours it would make.

Everyone enjoyed mixing different coloured icing to make firework biscuits for snack.  They used cocktail sticks to mix colours and design their fireworks patterns, whilst discussing the consistency of the icing that was most suitable to achieve their desired effect.

They enjoyed looking at and discussing the results of their creations with their friends.

Halloween fun

We had a spooktacular time at Nursery for Halloween.  Everyone was so excited to be back with lots of catching up to do with friends they’d missed over the October holidays!

We chose jelly-baff to hide some spooky creatures in.  Connal and Magnus talked about the consistency of the jelly-baff and used different words to describe it.  They worked together to achieve the consistency they wanted.  “It’s squidgy”, “”It’s sticky”, “It’s too thick and gloopy”, “It’s too runny”.

We had a Potion Making station with lots of ingredients teh children found outside and in the kitchen.  The bairns used droppers and squirty bottles to add just the right amount of mixture to their potion.

We made faces and geoboards on our pumpkins.  The bairns explored different tools and nails to see which ones were best for their creation.





We went to our forest and gathered items to make broomsticks.  We found plenty of sticks and twigs in teh forest and had lots of space to fly around the playground


Outdoor play is always our favourite…building ramps, making music, bikes and scooters!