Harris the Hedgehog

Harris the hedgehog came to nursery to visit for a few day, before he came we spoke about what kind of den he would need to keep warm, when he would sleep and how big he would need to be before he was put back into the wild. Everyday we weight him and we would feed him, he liked to eat cat food and worms.

Harris all cosy in his bed.

Mrs Smith letting Harris out.

Mrs Smith bringing Harris out.

Harris exploring on the carpet.

Harris exploring.






Mrs Smith putting some food out for Harris.

Harris eating his food.


Harris enjoyed his food.

Scarlett thinks Harris should be this big before

he goes out into the wild.

Ella thinks Harris should be this big.

Harris’s prickly back.

Lauren thinks he should be this big.

Johanne thinks he should be this big.

Lucille thinks he should be that big.

Freya thinks he should be this big.

Kirsty thinks Harris should be that big.

Jasmin thinks he should be that big.

Alexander thinks he should be this big.

Ruby think he should be this big.

Andrew thinks he should be that big.




Harris munching his food.

Harris getting weighed.


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