All posts by Mrs Johnson

Term 4 Week 8

Playful Pedagogy

In Cunningsburgh we have a strong commitment to play and playful pedagogy in the learning of all pupils.  There are two examples of what that can look like at this stage.

Energy Experiment

In our class we have bands on all the chairs.  The purpose of the bands is to provide a sensory outlet for those who need it and I try to ensure that all accommodations are accessible to all, where possible, rather than only those with identified needs.  This week one of the bands broke (not because anyone did anything), the kids then wondered if it would make a good catapult.  We planned and carried out a fair experiment to test how far we could catapult a bean bag using the broken band.  The kids all had a turn and each time we stretched the band slightly further.  We then had a discussion about potential energy, kinetic energy and gravity.  It was a fantastic learning opportunity led entirely by the kids!

Concrete Spelling

This week we practiced our spelling using concrete materials.

Term 4 Week 7


Today P4/5 Hosted a Talk Show themed assembly to share their learning about natural disasters.  Each group were experts on a different type of disaster and we asked questions by the three hosts. There was lots of information, fun facts, quizzes, artwork and even an exploding volcano.  Of course the funniest moment was in the rehearsal when Mrs J was very silly and shook up the volcano ingredients causing it to explode all over Mrs J’s hair, face and clothes, fair to say that the kids were no longer nervous after laughing hysterically at me!

I am so proud of each and every one of them, they did a brilliant job!


Term 4 Week 6

Planting with Mrs Bannister

Check out the gorgeous planters that the kids planted up, with some help from the lovely Mrs Bannister.


Discovery Club Project – The Animal Olympics

P4-6 have been working on a project this week imagining what the Animal Olympics would be like.  They have worked so hard, developing skills such as creativity, problem solving, communication and team work.

Visiting the Sumburgh Airport Fire Station

The kids had an absolute ball visiting the fire station. Thank you so much to the wonderful fire fighters and air traffic controllers who showed us around and many thanks to the lovely Trevor, Kay and Miss Baronet for accompanying us and making this trip possible.

Term 4 Week 4

Maths – Blue Group

Have a look at the fantastic tiling patterns the blue maths group created.


This week the class wrote stories about Adventure Bear.  I didn’t take any photos but you can read their stories via their Office 365 on Glow.  We had two lots of visitors during writing time (One from a QIO at Hayfield and one from a QIM at Hayfield accompanied by the Head of Education Scotland) and both commented on how lovely, independent and engaged your children were in their learning.  I was really proud of them as they were all able to speak eloquently and enthusiastically about what they were learning and how it has helped them improve their writing skills.

Edinburgh Science Centre – Electricity Workshop

We had a phenomenal visit from Jamie and Teigan from the Edinburgh Science Centre.  They took P4-6 through a workshop looking at how electricity is generated. The kids got to make their own electricity, experiment with the factors that make more/ less electricity and finally use the energy they had generated to power a hex bug for a race.  It was a brilliant workshop full of fun and learning.

Term 4 Week 3


This week the kids have done a great job doing some assessments in maths. Everyone was really focused and tried their very best which was great to see.


Our theme for writing this week was Disney.  First the kids had to write a persuasive letter to Mr Clark asking him to arrange a school trip to Disneyland Paris, unfortunately we were successful with the writing lesson but not the trip!

They then wrote cinquain poems about a Disney character, I wonder if they can tell you about the features of a cinquain poem?

Outdoor Learning

Making the most of the beautiful weather.

Term 4 Week 2

A Park, a Library and a Power Cut

On Wednesday we headed out for a class trip.  First we went to the King Harald Street Playpark and had a ball using all the play equipment, especially in the new accessibility part of the park.  Unfortunately, but quite hilariously, one of the kids had their entire, unopened packet of crisps stolen from the picnic table by a very brave scorrie! I am sure the residents of King Harald St had a good laugh at me, Kay and some of the kids chasing after it!  Next we popped in to the library to browse the books and have our snack, no disasters here.  The kids loved being able to choose a book to take home, if they wanted to.  Finally we wandered down to Mareel for our film, the reason for our trip, but alas a power cut squashed that plan so we headed to the bus to go back to school.  The kids were so well behaved throughout the trip, it was a delight to be out with them and I hope they had a good time despite the disappointment of the cancelled movie.


Term 4 Week 1

Big Question

This week we have been learning about the difference between medicine and illegal drugs.  We have learned about Sir Alexander Fleming and the contribution he made to medicine.  Finally we learned about vitamins and discussed the need, for some people, for supplements.  The children then worked together to ‘invent’ a multivitamin.


In writing this week we used the Forbidden Forest from Harry Potter to inspire both balanced arguments and haiku.  A haiku is a Japanese poem made up of 3 lines with 5-7-5 syllables respectively.  The kids did an mazing job writing their own Haiku, each even managing to include a simile effectively!

Special Visitor

We had a very special visit from Mrs Dade and baby Tommy!