Monthly Archives: November 2023

Term 2 Week 5

It has been a busy week in P4/5 with a few visitors and it has made me very proud to see the kids through the eyes of people coming in for a short time.  On Wednesday Andrea Henderson and Lauren Smith came to see the work we are doing with writing.  They were very impressed by P4/5 and their excellent work.  On Thursday Davie Sandison and Catherine Hughson came for a visit. They were very impressed to see all the children working very hard and commented on how happy our school is.

Personal Projects were due in this week and we spent a lovely afternoon watching everyone’s presentations.  Presenting to the class group is such an important experience for the kids as they develop skills that they will use throughout their lives including conveying information, engaging an audience and having confidence in their own abilities.  They all did a fantastic job and every single one of them had become more confident and capable since the presentations we did in term 1.  Well done P4/5/


We have now moved on to a gymnastics block in PE.  We started with a week on the mats, focusing on 10 basic shapes

  • straight, tuck, star, pike, straddle, front support, back support, Y, T and L

We performed the shapes and then put them into sequences on our own and with a partner.  Here are our partner sequences.

Term 2 Week 3

It has been another busy week in P4/5; we have been learning times tables, examining arctic animal food chains, visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter through our Trials and Tales and some pupils went to the community polycrub with Mr Clark.  We have introduced a new way to check learning in a simple way called “Post a Plenary”.  The learners are asked a question or a series of questions and have to write their answer on a post-it before placing their post it on their square.

Term 2 Week 2

Tales and Trials

Before the holidays each of the children created a character that they will be writing ab out this term.  This week their character landed in ‘Pirate Peninsula’.  The characters faced 4 trials over the week that the kids had to write about.  I was really impressed by the fantastic stories that they wrote!  I hope they are able to tell you some of the adventures that their characters went on this week and look forward to revealing next week’s map.