Term 4 Week 4

Maths – Blue Group

Have a look at the fantastic tiling patterns the blue maths group created.


This week the class wrote stories about Adventure Bear.  I didn’t take any photos but you can read their stories via their Office 365 on Glow.  We had two lots of visitors during writing time (One from a QIO at Hayfield and one from a QIM at Hayfield accompanied by the Head of Education Scotland) and both commented on how lovely, independent and engaged your children were in their learning.  I was really proud of them as they were all able to speak eloquently and enthusiastically about what they were learning and how it has helped them improve their writing skills.

Edinburgh Science Centre – Electricity Workshop

We had a phenomenal visit from Jamie and Teigan from the Edinburgh Science Centre.  They took P4-6 through a workshop looking at how electricity is generated. The kids got to make their own electricity, experiment with the factors that make more/ less electricity and finally use the energy they had generated to power a hex bug for a race.  It was a brilliant workshop full of fun and learning.

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