Tag Archives: Micro Tyco 2014

Week 4 day 3

Today we finished doing lolly pop Santa men and snow men .We made marsh pops it’s marshmallows on sticks and we made chocolate crispies. This week it is the big sale so we were making as much as we can. We have got Christmas tags, Christmas cards, bunting, lolly pop Santas and snow men, felt balls and felt trees.

this morning we found out that we did not have a enough marshmallows.

Week Four Day Two

Today Mia, Honor and I did reindeer glitter and Rosie, Hannah, Sofia, Melissa and Abby did lolly pop stick puppets. We had great fun doing the reindeer glitter because we got to get all the oats and the glitter and mix them together. Looks like the other part of the team had lots of fun as well as us. There was three different colours of glitter, there was green, silver and red. We used up all of the porridge oats. Tomorrow are team needs to finish the lolly pop, finish the tags and I am bringing the chocolate lollies that she made.

Mount Rainbow Week 4

Today we split in to groups of two. Me and Neil, Leah and Sonia, Bradley and Emer. Me and Neil set off  to make tags. Leah and Sonia went to make cards and Bradley and Emer went to make lollypop stick  snowmen and santas.  The Christmas cards and tags are finished and the santa and snowmen are almost done . Tommorow we need to tie the ribbon  on the tag bags and check that all bags have ten tags. We also need to finishe and price our lollypop stick men we also need to find out prices for our trees , felt balls and our marshmallow sweeties.

Mount Rainbow Week 3

We had a selling day. We had to think of prices for our Christmas cards and tags. We had to make it look intersting for people to buy. We got bags and we had to think how many Christmas cards do we need in a bag. We got ribbon to tie up the bags to make it look smart. We had to count how many bags they are we sold out because they were a lot of people. We raised £17.70.