On Friday after going to Dunrossness we went to Jarlshof in the bus. Jarlshof is a historical site; there are houses there which belonged to Vikings and old Shetlanders. There are round houses and rectangular houses and there are even wheelhouses but it was absolutely pouring with snow and rain.
We got to go and explore all of the old houses and go through the tiny doorways. We all went through a tiny door way which was about 60cm high and made of stone (everything was made of stone) anyway once we were all through the door then we all ended up in a big round wheel house with different rooms in it. We all really liked the wheelhouse because it was so big and sheltered.
Then we went on to the Viking houses, the Viking houses were rectangular and quite big there wasn’t very much on the Viking houses left so we went to the lairds house. It was very windy, snowy and rainy so most of us stood behind a big wall to shelter but some people climbed up modern metal stairs to have a look at the whole of Jarlshof.
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