Course Content
What will I learn?
The Elective Music course is made up of three elements:
- Performing
You will develop performance skills in a wide range of styles, in solo or group situations on 2 instruments (can include voice or pipe band instruments). There is flexibility within the course to allow you to play pieces in a style of your choosing. There will be a mixture of group and solo opportunities to perform, which will build your confidence and skill in a supportive environment.
2. Composing
You will learn how to write melodies with chords and harmony parts in a variety of styles and to use up-to-date music software.
3. Listening/Understanding
You will listen to lots of different styles of music and learn how to describe features that you hear. You will also develop an understanding of musical literacy (how music is written down).
Teaching Methods
What will I do?
You will experience a combination of teacher and pupil led activities including practising, writing and using a computer to compose your own music, listening to and researching a variety of musical styles.
Assessment & Homework
Performing – assessment is continuous throughout the two years. Teachers will hear you regularly and offer feedback to help improve your playing technique and sense of performance. You will take part in performances within the class and be offered constructive feedback from classmates.
Composing – each piece composed will be assessed by the teacher who will offer feedback and strategies to help develop your own style. There will be opportunities to have pieces performed and appraised by other pupils.
Listening – knowledge and understanding will be assessed through end of topic listening tests where you will be asked to describe features in the music.
Homework will be given out on a regular basis and is to be seen as an extension and development of the practical work done in class.