S2-3 Drama

Course Content

What will I learn about?

Genres of Drama

You will explore several exciting genres of theatre through script work and improvisation.


Production Skills

Theatre is nothing without a skilled production team. You will explore how to practically apply lighting, sound, costume, make-up and props to a scripted drama performance.


Page to Stage

You will have the opportunity to study a full-length play as a whole class, while exploring its plot, characters, themes and issues. You will then perform extracts of this play.


Responding to Stimuli

Following the drama process for performance, you will have the opportunity to create, rehearse and present your own drama in response to a topical stimulus


Performance Analysis

Theatre is the life blood of our subject. You learn how to watch and critically analyse a live theatrical performance. Discover how gripping dramas and spectacular musicals are put together, before discussing and reviewing them.


Media Production

Within Drama, you will be able to use your iPad to create digital content for performances. From TV acting to adverts, learning about media production will take your performance work to the next level.


Teaching Methods                                                                                                          How will I learn?

Drama is a highly practical subject. Much of your learning will take the form of practical group work, allowing you to create, rehearse, present and evaluate performances. You can expect a lot of script reading and line learning, there will also be opportunities to create play-scripts, models, presentations and debates. Your drama teacher will always make sure your learning is both fun and engaging.

Benefits of Studying Drama                                                                              What skills will I develop?

Drama is both an enjoyable and challenging course. You will be expected to exercise your imagination on a regular basis. While studying drama, you will also develop other important life skills such as:

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Confidence
  • Resilience
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration and teamwork skills

All of these skills are important for life, learning and work.

How will I be assessed?

Assessment in Drama will many forms, including:

  • Vocabulary assessments
  • Performance assessments
  • Teacher observation
  • Production skills projects
  • Peer evaluation
  • Presentation assessments

Homework                                                                                                                           What can I expect?

Homework is an important part of the course and will be issued on a regular basis to enhance and strengthen your learning in class. Homework may take the form of topical research, script reading, script writing, designing, evaluating and line learning.

Costs                                                                                                                                     We aim to allow students to take at least one theatre trip during their course. This may incur costs for tickets and possibly transport (depending on the venue). Financial support may be available if required.

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