Advanced Higher Art & Design

Award Received

Advanced Higher Art (Grades A-D)

Entry Level

The preferred level of entry to Advanced Higher Art & Design is an A or B pass at Higher level. Students with a Higher pass at C level may be allocated a place at the discretion of the school.

It is also important that students have a genuine interest and enthusiasm for Art & Design and what inspires them. A high level of commitment and ability to work independently is required.

Course Content

There are two course options: Option1: Expressive Unit & Enquiry or Option 2: Design Unit & Enquiry.

Expressive Unit includes research and investigation of either an expressive or design area of personal interest through the research of artists/designers.

Enquiry includes investigation through practical research towards the development and refinement of idea(s).

Option 1: Expressive Unit & Enquiry

This course develops skills in fine art, painting, sculpture, and printmaking using a media based approach on a personally chosen theme. A written Expressive Studies submission on related artists will complement and inform this work

Option 2: Design Unit & Enquiry

This course develops skills in design areas such as graphics & illustration, textiles, product, fashion, interior or jewelry using a design process approach based on a design brief. A written Design Studies submission on related designers will complement and inform this work.



Unit work for both Expressive and Design is internally assessed on a Pass/ Fail basis and is subject to SQA external verification procedures. All Unit work must be complete and a pass obtained before a Course Enquiry is undertaken.

Expressive/Design Portfolio

Practical work

The portfolio is worth 100 marks. This is 100% of the overall marks for the course assessment.

The purpose of this portfolio is to access the candidate’s ability to integrate and apply practical art/design skills and in-depth knowledge and understanding of artist/designers and their practice across the course.


The enquiry is completed throughout the school year and will culminate in a presentation of between 8 and 15 A1 sheets. The level of enquiry is thorough and personal to each student. They will be required to engage with this out with class time in order to complete the project to their fullest.


Critical Analysis

Students must select a work(s) by an artist/designer that they will engage with throughout the course and use as a basis for inspiration. These should have some relevance to their practical portfolio work. The critical analysis will take the form of a 2,000 word dissertation that will be complete concurrently with the practical folio throughout the year.

Enquiry work for both Expressive and Design options is externally assessed by SQA and is given the following weighting:

Practical design or expressive work – 60 Marks

Critical analysis – 30 Marks (2,000 words)

Evaluation – 10 Marks (300 words)

Please note penalties will be applied for falling short or going over these word limits by 10%.


Homework is an integral part of this course and individually negotiated assignments will focus on helping the student consolidate knowledge and skills and will normally develop ongoing classwork.  Expressive/ Design Studies will be carried out as written homework assignments.


Students are expected to engage in regular sketchbook practice throughout the course. This is essential practice and will greatly benefit their self-reflection skills, final grade and their future art career. These will be submitted as additional evidence to enhance portfolios.


After Advanced Higher, students can progress to a variety of further education courses. This course is recommended for pupils wishing to pursue Fine Art/ Design or Architecture at HDC/D or University/ Art School.

Extended Reading & Viewing

Students are expected to make good use of textbooks, websites, gallery visits, integrated workshops and visual resources to develop and extend their coursework.


£25 for A1 portfolio & materials.

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