We’ve had a quieter week in P1b. It was lovely to see some children back today and we hope to see everyone back next week. As usual, the children have helped to write the blog this week.
Today we have had a chat about Earth Day. We read stories and talked about what we can do to look after our planet. We could reuse plastic, pick up litter, save water, look after the animals and plant more trees!
We went on a worm hunt. We learned about the different parts of a worm. We looked at the colours and the segments on the worm.
We’ve been doing lots of planting. We planted potatoes and today planted sunflowers.
We learned the ‘er’ sound and had fun being reading detectives and looking for lots of ‘er’ words like water, paper, tiger, diver, driver, teacher, hammer, flower…
We’ve had lots of fun taking our learning outside.
Have a lovely weekend and we will see on you on Monday.