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Pupil Council

We voted for our Pupil Council and here and the people with the most votes.

P7=Rowan Steele and Isla Oliver
P6=Liam Fairgrieve
P5=Caitlin Gilmour-Jones
P4=Charlie Tait
P3=Alec Glasgow
P2=Ryan Gilmour-Jones
P1=Alyssa Stewart


By Rowan Steele and Isla Oliver P7

Eco Committee

We voted for our Eco committee and here are the people who had the most votes

P7=Joe Spray and Connor Watson
P6=Jamie Morton
P5=Brendan Gilhooly
P4=Lily Jones
P3=Jessica Anderson
P2=Olly Brown
P1=Violet Ferguson


By Rowan and Isla P7

What do you think Primary 5 and 4?

Mrs Harrison has really enjoyed her first term at Eddleston- thank you to everybody for making her feel so welcome.

What have you enjoyed Primary 5 and 4  and what have you learnt this term?

Image result for iron man ted hughes

This block we have enjoyed looking at circuits because it was fun making them.

It was also a good educational project.

We learnt that every plus needs minus.

We have been reading the iron man.

We have created a huge model of him and he watches over us when we work. He is huge.

By Isla and Jamie.

We have enjoyed learning about electricity, it has been fun!!!

The best thing about this term is making our iron woman and man’s eyes glow!!!

By Charlie and Caitlin

We have enjoyed making circuits because it is fun.

we have learnt that it is dangerous.

By Felix  and Brendan

This block we have enjoyed writing and art. We enjoyed writing because it was fun. And we enjoyed art because it was fun and extremely messy!! And we loved reading the iron man by Ted Hughs.

We have learnt lots of new cool maths games.

By Meg and Lily.

This block we have enjoyed art like building the iron man because we thought it was really  fun and exciting .

The best part about this block has been making circuits  with lemons and tin foil to make switches .

By  Jackson and Cailin.

This block we enjoyed maths because it was  a challenge.

We also enjoyed making the iron man because it was very exciting and fun.

BY Thomas and Sam

We  enjoyed  math because it was a different challenge and a different experience to primary 4/5.

It was fun to see new sums and answer  . We had good fun in block 1.

By Jackson f and ROSS

Well done to Primary 4 and 5.


Well done to all of Primary 4 and 5 who worked so well in their teams to add a circuit to their models. It proved to be very tricky but the children persevered and tried really hard to make their eyes light up and some even managed to add a switch. We had to learn from our mistakes and learn through trial and error. Well done everyone- Mrs Harrison was proud of you all!😀👍👍

Brilliantly Busy Bakery

Our role play area has evolved into a busy bakery this week. Designed and created by the children themselves, it is a great place to develop many skills; counting, estimating, cutting, rolling, timing, talking, listening, money… to name but a few!

A HUGE thank you to Mrs Mackenzie for giving our cooker a new lease of life. 🙂


P5/4 challenge

Primary 5 and 4 were set the challenge of creating a 3D model of a character that would help the Iron Man defeat the Space Bat Angel Dragon. They had great fun using their imaginations- their next challenge is to add a circuit that will make their creature’s eyes light up. Good luck!!



P23 have been learning about major organs and this week’s learning was based on the stomach… where it is, what is does and how we can look after it. Some super research and teamwork was followed  by sharing models, diagrams, interesting chat (including squidgy waste”), posters and powerpoint presentations. Well done everyone!


We are lucky enough to have a visitor to our class… welcoming Basil the Book Buddy, a friend of Detective Dog. Like Nell, he loves listening to children read in school! We have been reading stories aloud and sharing our favourites with him.