The pupil council is made up of pupils from every class and they meet once a month.
The members consult with their classmates and then raise ideas and suggestions at the council meetings. The council then feedback to their peers in class or at assembly.
This year the Pupil Council have consulted with all pupils to determine what types of improvements they would like to see within the school.
Pupil council members have also been consulted this session with respect to our new Positive Behaviour Policy and Homework policies, giving their views and opinions which were used to inform these documents.
Council members also work together to produce a monthly class newsletter, which includes diary dates, school events and learning updates from each class.
Pupils are also consulted regarding fundraising events. So far this session, we have hosted Maidens Got Talent which raised £260 for school funds and presented a cheque for £100 to Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity after holding a coffee morning and bookstall supported by the Parent Council. Future fundraising efforts include donating the proceeds of our World Book Day celebrations in March to Guide Dogs Scotland.
Well done to all members of the pupil council for their valuable contributions!
You have the right to an opinion and for it to be listened to and taken seriously (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 12)