Category Archives: Modern Languages


Well done to our Euroquiz team for being excellent ambassadors for the school at the recent Euroquiz competition. They have all been working very hard remembering lots of facts and figures about Europe. Congratulations goes to Ayr Grammar for coming first.

Article 30
You have the right to practice your own culture, language and religion – or any you choose. Minority and indigenous groups need special protection of this right.


European Day of Languages

Tuesday 26th of September was the European Day of Languages and Ms Slider had planned a surprise for the children at Holmston. When the children arrived in the playground in the morning, it was decorated with lots of words in many different languages. There was a quiz question asking how many different ways they could find the word “hello” written around the playground. Ms Slider knows what the answer is but wants to find out if anyone else can solve the puzzle! Do you recognise any of these languages? Ms Slider is going to carry out a survey in the school to find out how many different languages are spoken by the children at Holmston. Primary One have been practising their numbers up to 10 so these were also on the playground along with the matching French and German number names.