Parent Council

What is a parent council meeting?
It is a very informal meeting where parents / guardians come along and talk about what’s going on in the school. Fundraising is also discussed.


An agenda is followed and parents can put forward suggestions or ask questions outwith the agenda.

The head teacher Gail Gilbert presents the head teachers report and the treasurer discusses the finances. It is agreed at the meeting where and how the money should be spent.


The parent council secretary takes notes during the meeting and produces minutes which are emailed out after the meeting, afterwhich they are put on the parent zone of the school website.


(Please note that the meetings are not to discuss any individual concerns you have with your own child as such, concerns should be made directly with the child’s teacher).



Who can come to the meetings?
Any parent or guardian with a pupil at Ayr Grammar is welcome to attend a parent council meeting. It is always lovely meeting new faces! You don’t need to come to every meeting and you can suggest items to be included on the agenda via the Parent Council email address (, through the suggestions box (next to the reception hatch in the school, although this is not in use during covid restrictions) or via the Ayr Grammar Parents Fundraising page on Facebook (closed group).




When are the meetings held?
Prior to covid restrictions, the meetings are held in the school from 7pm – 9pm on the first Tuesday of every month (or otherwise advised). From August 2020 the meetings will be via zoom on the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm (unless it is a school holiday). A text message is sent out from the school to remind all parents a few days before the zoom meeting and parents / carers can request to be included in the zoom call by emailing



Who are we?
All parents or guardians of children at Grammar Primary School automatically belong to the parent forum.

Parents from this forum make up the Parent Council who do their best to represent the views of all parents and work closely with the school.


There are 3 office bearer positions. Parent Council Chair, Treasurer & Secretary.


We currently have 2 Joint Chairs – Lesley Goater (P6 & P4 parent) & Alison Gooding (P6 parent)

The Treasurer is Aileen Good (P4 parent)

The Secretary is Rachel Kelly (P2 parent)


What is an AGM?
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is very similar to the monthly parent council meetings. The Chairperson gives an annual report to review the last 12 months and we review office bearer appointments who are appointed every three years according to the constitution. The AGM is usually held in October every year.




How to contact the Parent Council



By email –

Via Facebook – Ayr Grammar Parents Fundraising page



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