P.6/5 ✨📚✏️

Welcome to P.6/5 with Miss Jones, Mrs Boyd and Mrs Connolly 🌟✨ Thanks for stopping by to visit our class page! 


  • September 2020- Hogwarts Express 🚂 

So far in term one, pupils from both P.6/5 classes have enjoyed exploring the text ‘Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone’ by JK Rowling.

Each week pupils take part in a reading activity based on Chapters of the novel, from Blooms questions, to writing newspaper articles, to role play!

We have also carried out experiments in class, making potions, exploring invisible ink and have even designed and created our own wands! ✨

Check out our Harry Potter gallery below 🧙‍♀️ 





September 2020-Talk for Writing- Beowulf ⚔️


Hear and listen, my weary warriors and we’ll tell you a tale of P.6/5 and their amazing writing skills!

In term one, pupils have been focusing on ‘Defeating a Monster’ tale BEOWULF!

Pupils have loved learning about the Anglo- Saxon period when this tale was based and have learned appropriate literary techniques to enhance their own tales, such as ‘kennings’.


During the imitation stage, pupils created their own detailed story maps to help them remember the tale. Pupils also focused on techniques used to create suspense in a text and how to incorporate similes, metaphors, alliteration and repetition into their tales.


Pupils then got creative and innovated the tale as a class, in pairs and finally individually! Their unique twists were fantastic. Check out the post-it note covered tales below 🙂


Pupils closely followed the structure for a ‘defeating a monster tale’ to write their very own tale BURSTING with the techniques explored throughout the term.

Everyone enjoyed showing off their hard work with their peers, providing positive feedback to one another.

Well done, warriors! 🙌🏻🌟😆⚔️

Parent Council AGM

The Parent Council Virtual AGM will be held on Thursday 1st October at 1.30pm.  If you wish to attend please email gardenrosepc@yahoo.com  giving your name and email address before 3pm on Monday 28th September to allow an invite to be issued. The purpose of the AGM is to provide an annual report to review the past 12 months and to review Office Bearers appointments as per the Constitution. Due to the pandemic we are keen to maintain consistency within the Office Bearers, however, if you wish to be nominated please email gardenrosepc@yahoo.com. Our current Office Bearers are as follows: Co-Chairperson: Dawn McFadyen/Paula Hunter, Treasurer: Kathryn Woods, Co-Secretary: Gillian McAuley/Kayleigh Crate. The meeting will last no more than an hour. For those who attend we would like to remind you of the purpose of the meeting and that no discussions will take place of a personal nature.


Belleisle Outdoor Learning Trips

We have planned an outdoor learning programme with the EYC and Primary 1, which links with our current topics.  We will be visiting Belleisle Park in Ayr and exploring the environment, looking for signs of Autumn.  This is a great opportunity for our pre-school children to work alongside P1 as part of their ongoing Early level transition.

The children have been organised into mixed year groups, and will be accompanied by members of staff.   We have hired the Community minibus, which Susan will be driving. The mini-bus will leave the school at 9.30am returning at 2.40pm.  All children will require to wear a face covering on the bus.  We have some face coverings which can be provided if children do not have their own one.

Please note that not all children will be going this coming Monday. Please check the letter which was sent to see the date which your child’s group will be going on this trip.

Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather e.g. jacket, scarf, hat, gloves, wellies with warm socks.  We will provide a small snack and the kitchen staff will also provide a packed lunch which we will have at Belleisle.  Please do not send any additional food or drinks.

Thank you!

World War 2 – Primary 7

Written by Jay H and Jack in Primary 7


We have been learning WW2 as our term 1-2 topic. As a class, we have made gas masks using paper mache. We were learning about the Blitz and have built our own Anderson shelters using natural resources from the playground. We all love doing the air raid siren at the beginning of our WW2 lessons. A lot of us have relatives who were in WW2, we been sharing a lot of very precious items from WW2 that they had. A couple of our students have been to Maidens to see where an old Prisoner of War camp was from WW2, and have found some coins and bullets. We have also been reading a book called ‘Fireweed’ which is about a boy and a girl who are runaway evacuees during the Blitz in London.


P7 – Writing

Written by Emme in Primary 7

Literacy – Writing

Hi, my name is Emme and I’m in P7. I am here today to tell you what we have been up to in writing in our class. We have been very busy with our Talk for Writing. We have been learning the model text ‘Kidnapped’ and re-writing the story using symbols and pictures to help us read it from memory without the words. It is awesome. We are now innovating the story using our own ideas to help build suspense. We are doing Quest stories.

P7 Numeracy & Maths

Written by Lili in Primary 7:


In Primary 7 for Numeracy, we have been doing rounding and problem solving.

For rounding, we have been learning to round whole numbers and decimals. Miss Caldwell has gave us a rounding sheet, which starts at hundreds to millions and goes all the way to hundreds of thousandths and it is very helpful. Now most of the class have started to round 2 numbers then multiple it and use estimations.

We have also really enjoyed problem solving. We did a huge mystery about glue sticks I know it sounds funny but it was really fun and if you managed to find out how had done it you would get an extra 20 minutes of playing outside. Gladly, we all found out that the culprit was Markus.

Welcome to P2 with Miss Morrison and Miss Lee!

Welcome to Primary 2!

We are so happy to be back together again after being apart for so long!


This term we are focusing on double number addition and pattern with Miss Lee. We have consolidated our colour and shape patterns through fun and engaging activities! We are now focusing on number patterns by counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.



In Literacy we are focusing on our writing through ‘Talk for Writing’. Miss Lee and P2 have been focusing on retelling the story of The Three Little Pigs! So far, we have created actions to retell the story and started our storymaps! Keep your eyes peeled for photos and videos of our story. We have had Play Based learning opportunities in the open area to support with our story of The Three Little Pigs. We had lots of fun creating our own houses using the block play area.

                                                                                                                                                   “This is the chimney and the wolf can’t get up here on my house because it’s too high!”- Angus




Gardenrose Primary School & EYC, Maybole, South Ayrshire Council

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