World War 2 – Primary 7

Written by Jay H and Jack in Primary 7


We have been learning WW2 as our term 1-2 topic. As a class, we have made gas masks using paper mache. We were learning about the Blitz and have built our own Anderson shelters using natural resources from the playground. We all love doing the air raid siren at the beginning of our WW2 lessons. A lot of us have relatives who were in WW2, we been sharing a lot of very precious items from WW2 that they had. A couple of our students have been to Maidens to see where an old Prisoner of War camp was from WW2, and have found some coins and bullets. We have also been reading a book called ‘Fireweed’ which is about a boy and a girl who are runaway evacuees during the Blitz in London.


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