Category Archives: Primary 1

Primary 1 Term 3

Primary 1 started this Term  by working very hard and our topic was based on Scots’ language. We learned the poem The Dinosaur which was written by a former teacher at Gardenrose, Mrs L Griffiths!

We learned some Scots’ songs like Ye Cannae Shove Yer Granny Aff A  Bus, Three Craw and Ally Bally. We also learned some Scots’vocabulary and  we have completed artwork with a Scottish theme. Mrs Thomson taught us some Scottish dances and we have been enjoying using puppets from Scottish stories.

In Literacy we have  been reinforcing our sounds and have begun to blend sounds together through simple words. Our first Talk for Writing topic is The Gingerbread Man and then we will be looking at a non- fiction topic with Mrs Thomson up until Easter. We are continuing with letter formation and in writing we are learning  to use some new tools e.g. punctuation and finger spaces.

In Numeracy we have begun to tell the time and we are also learning  about subtraction. Later in Term 3 we will look at Money and Fractions as well as daily Number Talks and mental maths skills.

On alternate Thursdays we go to Forest School with Miss Grater and we are learning about areas of science such a plants and seeds.

Our next topic is called How Things Work which will involve learning about forces such as floating, sinking, pushing and pulling.

Towards Easter we will learn about the Easter story and we have started a mini topic about Caring to tie in with Children’s Mental Wellbeing week.

Overall, we are very busy in Primary 1 at Gardenrose!


Primary 1 Term 1

Well, what can we say about our wonderful Primary 1’s.

Term 1 was an amazing time with them all settling in amazingly – not a tear in sight! We very quickly got started on learning our phonics and numbers using Jolly Phonics songs and books and Ten Town characters. The children really loved hearing all the stories and using them to help them remember their letters and numbers.

Our topic was Percy the Park Keeper, where we looked at seasons and weather. The children worked hard to sequence season trees to show the changes throughout the year. They enjoyed hearing about all of Percy’s adventures in the books. We also learned about some of the woodland animals that Percy is friends with and used them in puppet shows to tell our own stories.

In Literacy we were also introduced to Talk for Writing which is a way of teaching the children how to tell and write their own stories. We learned the story of Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle and included lots of actions to help us remember the story.

The children all enjoyed doing a mixture of class and group lessons, alongside some play based learning in our open area. This is an amazing space that allows us to have lots of opportunity for role play, construction, loose parts, writing, Art, playdough, water and many other games and learning experiences.

Class Learning Leaflet T1

Annual Parental Survey 2020-21

Please can you complete the survey for parents/carers by clicking on the appropriate link below. (Early Years Centre or Primary)

This will help us to celebrate our successes and reflect on any areas where we need to improve. We would really appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete the survey so that we capture the views of the majority of our parents/carers.

***Survey to be completed by Friday 21st May***


The link for your parent survey is      




Fabulous Primary 1 Home Learning

We are so proud of each and every one of our Primary 1 children.  Here’s a wee video to showcase all of your hard work and play (thank you Miss Grater for editing it together).  You and your families have all worked so hard during lockdown.  Now it is time for a well earned break.

Happy holidays everyone!

See you on the 22nd!

love Mrs Thomson, Miss Grater and Mrs Mair xx


Primary 1 Home Learning w/c 8th February 2021


Your lovely teachers in Primary 1 have made a highlights video of all that you have been getting up to during Home Learning. We hope you enjoy it! Click here:


We can’t wait to see you at school after the holidays! Love Miss Grater, Mrs Mair and Mrs Thomson. xx



Welcome to what we hope is our final week of home learning.

Here is your grid with some activities for the week. You will notice there are less written tasks, it is more active and games based. This is because we want you to enjoy some time trying the Health and Wellbeing activities that are being posted each day. Your family  wellbeing is so important at this time and as we approach our holiday week, we want you to have some fun!

Have a great week.

Mrs Thomson, Miss Grater and Mrs MairWeek beginning 8th Feb Home Learning Grid

Primary 1 Home Learning Grid w/c 25th January 2021

Good Morning to all our lovely Primary 1’s. Hope you have had a lovely weekend and Happy Burns Night.

Please find attached our grid for this week. All the links, videos and other resources will be posted on SeeSaw and you have your worksheets and books in your packs at home.

Have a great week everyone and don’t forget to send us photos of all your hard work (and play).

Mrs Thomson, Miss Grater and Mrs Mair xFINAL grid 25th Jan

Primary 1 Home Learning Grid w/c 18th January 2021

Good morning everyone. Please find the link for the new Primary 1 Home Learning grid. All materials, teaching videos and links will be added to SeeSaw throughout the week.

Thank you for all your hard work last week. Keep sending us photos and videos of your child’s work and we will send some feedback.

Have a good week.

Mrs Thomson, Miss Grater and Mrs Mair xWeek commencing 18th January 2021 Home learning

Home Learning Grid w/c/ 11th January 2021

FINAL Week commencing 11th January 2021 Home learning

Good morning everyone! Please find attached the home learning grid for this week.
Can we please ask that all parents send us a wee message on SeeSaw to let us know that you have seen the grid. That way we can keep track of anyone who is having difficulties.
If you have any problems or questions, Miss Grater, Mrs Thomson or Mrs Mair  will be available between 9am and 3pm to help. We will also be posting video clips that will assist in the learning. We are also hoping to have a live check-in with you all this week. More details of that will follow.
Remember to have fun with your children and allow them plenty of opportunity for free play and other activities.
Use SeeSaw to send us photos or video clips of your child’s work and we will be commenting and giving feedback throughout the week.
Keep in touch and good luck xx

Panto – Scunner Who Stole Christmas

The Scunner Who Stole Christmas


Gaiety Theatre Characters, Dame Hylda and Jock the Joker visited the school on 16th  December and engaged the children in a short performance which was video and send to the Gaiety.  We will be one of the five schools who appear in the finale episode of the panto performance of the Scunner who Stole Christmas.

The Kingdom of Ayrshire and Arran has been cursed by Dourina the Soorfaced Sorceress – she’s stolen the Pantomime Recipe Book and cancelled Christmas. Only joy, togetherness and adventure can conquer Dourina’s evil plan and save the day – but with Princess Neat and Prince Tidy keeping their distance; how can Christmas ever be saved? Can Fairy Handwash remember the magic recipe and find the ingredients she needs in our community to save the Kingdom? Can Dame Hylda Rerrterr, behave on Tour? And will Jock the Joker ever crack a one-liner we approve of?

The children have watched episodes 1-3 in school so please use the link below to watch the final 2 episodes at home on Wednesday and Thursday.


The episodes go out as follows :-

Thursday 3rd December, Thursday 10th December, Thursday 17th December at 6.30pm, Wednesday 23rdDecember at 6.30pm and Christmas Eve at 1.30pm.

All the episodes are available on their website to view after the screening date and time