We do enjoy getting a bit messy in the big class. This week we explored non-Newtonian fluid.
By contributing to investigations into familiar changes in substances to produce other substances, I can describe how their characteristics have changed. SCN 2-15a
Non-Newtonian fluids Many people have heard of Sir Isaac Newton. He is famous for developing many scientific theories in mathematics and physics. Newton described how ‘normal’ liquids or fluids behave, and he observed that they have a constant viscosity (flow). This means that their flow behaviour or viscosity only changes with changes in temperature or pressure. For example, water freezes and turns into a solid at 0˚C and turns into a gas at 100˚C. Within this temperature range, water behaves like a ‘normal’ liquid with constant viscosity.
Typically, liquids take on the shape of the container they are poured into. We call these ‘normal liquids’ Newtonian fluids. But some fluids don’t follow this rule. We call these ‘strange liquids’ non-Newtonian fluids.
Previously we have looked at the states of water. I can apply my knowledge of how water changes state to help me understand the processes involved in the water cycle in nature over time. SCN 2-05a
Next we will explore:
Substances that can be pure or mixtures; separation of mixtures
Separating mixtures of substances; common everyday examples
Conditions which affect how much a substance dissolves or the speed of dissolving
You may have heard you child talking about Number Talks. Number Talks is a short mental maths activity that we aim to do for 10-15 minutes each day. Click the links below to see some of the strategies we are teaching the pupils. These may be helpful to support your child and discuss number problems at home.
P4-7 have been working very hard this session on their learning theme. The theme has been…..’Journeys’. Each year group have researched and investigated as a group but the personal projects gave pupils a chance for a more individualised task. We had a presentation week and what the pupils produced was outstanding. We had many journeys to learn about from each other.
The children in this school certainly like opportunities to shine. What better time to shine than at one of your teacher’s wedding!! Rehearsals have been fabulous and the children will be sure to WOW the guests and Miss Moscardini’s……..or Mrs Holland’s wedding this Friday. Here are some pictures of the rehearsals in full swing.
Parents and families are invited to school on Thursday 24th November at 6pm to find out more about how we teach reading and literacy skills across Fisherton Primary an EYC.
The sessions will be led by Mrs McDowell who will give an over view of early level reading in the EYC. Mrs Eaglesham will give information on the 3 Read approach being delivered to P1 and P2, and, Mrs Hamilton will give an insight into our Book Clubs and Literacy Circles being used in P4-7.
I am certain this will be an informative and enjoyable evening which will help you supprot your child at home and help them develop their reading skills.
We are looking forward to updating this section of our school website. We will try to keep you informed with what is happening in our classroom. Watch this space for photos, videos and information about our learning.