The wee class had many successes and achievements last week which we shared at assembly.
Lacey and Oscar both received Handwriting Awards for neat writing and staying on the line.
Lacey also got a literacy award from Mrs Blain for her hard work doing the 5 Minute Box and Charlie was this week’s Dojo Champ in the wee class. Well done to you all.
Well done this week to Kyra and Lacey who both got 100% in their spelling tests. They each received a Literacy Award at this week’s Celebrating Success Time.
Also a very well done to Lily who one this week’s Dojo Champ.
Well done to Leith, Harvey and Megan who all received certificates at this weeks assembly. Leith got a numeracy award for super subtraction from 10, Harvey got a literacy award for writing an excellent descriptive piece and Megan also got a literacy award for her riddle about a cow.
The wee class had 3 Dojo Champs this week. Well done to Charlie, Kaleyll and Mia. Great job.
The end of every day is teacher story time. From children’s classics, such as Treasure Island, to modern favourites, like Harry Potter.
The big class are authors and illustrators!
The big class in @FishertonPS are working their socks off to meet their deadline of Friday. They are creating new picture books for their wee class #readingbuddies. All have a theme or message to help their little buddies learn about life.
We won the South Ayrshire Internet safety Competition and were delighted to receive the prize of a BB-8 App- Enabled Droid as well as a £20 iTunes voucher. Well done to #SidSquad
Eve enjoyed taking part in the Scottish walk with the school, Lucy helped Eve along the way with the tasks that p5-7 set us. We had some drawing, drama, games. We visited Brig O’ Doon, Auld Kirk, Burns Cottage and Poets Path.