Category Archives: P5/6/7

School Captains Meet with Mrs Templeton

Our school captains and vice captains met with Mrs Templeton on Friday. The captains and vice captains gathered the views and thoughts from their house groups to share with Mrs Templeton and they worked together to see how they could improve our school. Pupil voice is important at Ballantrae primary and this ties in with the UNCRC(United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) article 12 – Children have the right to give their opinion freely on issues that affect them. Adults should listen and take children seriously.

Our Class Novel

Our new class novel in primary 5/6/7 is ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar.  The pupils have enjoyed predicting what they think could happen using the blurb and front cover. They have enjoyed reading up to chapter five together and discussing what has happened so far. Today the pupils drew labelled and detailed drawings using the descriptions from the story so far.

Active Maths in p5/6/7

Primary p5/6/7 have been taking part in different activities to develop their understanding of place value over the last week. They have been learning to read and write up to nine digit numbers.  They have been learning to add and subtract powers of ten and they have been learning to compare and order numbers. They have learned a lot and have had lots of fun doing so!