Category Archives: P5/6/7

World Book day stem challenge

One of our challenges today was to build a new house for the three little pigs. Lots of problem solving, design and time management skills were required. The aim of the challenge was to make a house secure enough to avoid being blown down by the big bad wolf, otherwise known as Mrs Ball’s big bad hair dryer. There were some great creations, and lots of enjoyment had by the children.

Connecting Classrooms in P5-7

Primary 5-7 enjoyed a special day on Tuesday where, as part of our connecting classrooms project, we met on zoom with the pupils and staff of Pragnya Bodhini, Mumbai. During this meet, pupils recited their Burns poem, shared their knowledge of their topic – life on land- and enjoyed a fun and interactive quiz. Well done everyone!

Outdoor Learning Down the River

This morning P1-7 walked down to the river to take part in some outdoor learning activities. The children found bugs, insects and flowers and used magnifying glasses to explore them more closely. The children also made some autumn jewellery, had an autumn scavenger hunt and made homes for birds. A fun and adventurous morning was had by all.

ICT Lunchtime Club

Riley and George started their ICT lunchtime club today and it was a great success! Pupils played games on Cool Maths Games and Scratch. Next week Riley and George are organising a Scratch tournament during their lunchtime club. Keep up the good work Riley and George!