Category Archives: P3/4/5

Learning about the water cycle

Primary 1-4 have been learning about where rain comes from. Following our experiments last week to observe evaporation and condensation, this week we used our knowledge to create a collage showing how rain happens.  The children worked in groups to share their knowledge and ideas.  They finished their task by presenting their poster to the rest of the class.

Loose Yourself in a Book

Primary One/Two are joining Primary Three/Four on Friday afternoons to engage in some shared reading.    The children have the choice of reading independently, reading with a partner or reading as a group with the teacher.  They enjoy sharing stories and listening to their peers reading to them.   Reading is one of the most effective way to promote language development and it promotes longer attention span. It builds listening skills and imagination.


Ballantrae Primary 3/4 – ACE Day Tomorrow, Monday 18th June.
Reminder for pupils on tomorrow’s ACE day to bring wellies, change of clothes and towel along with snack and home packed lunch. ACE have spare wellies if anyone requires a pair.
Hopefully the weather will stay dry til evening time.
Thank you.