Welcome to our digital newspaper, The Alloway Express. We will report on what’s happening in our school and wider community. We plan to inform you of all our achievements and learning as well as keeping you updated on committee projects. We are looking forward to becoming reporters, photographers and publishers! We can’t wait to get started on our first edition!
The Alloway Express is led by Mrs Harrison and Mrs Mackinnon
Here’s what we have been up to!
Meeting 1
We had so many ideas for our newspaper! We came up with the name, Alloway Express, and decided what we would like our newspaper to look like. We planned the different sections of our newspaper and can’t wait until our next meeting to get started on this!
Meeting 2
We separated into sub-teams to allow us to start to plan our research. We have lots of great ideas and are now ready to gather our information so that next committee time we can put all our information together to create our very first edition. We have our interview questions ready and have made appointments with people we need to speak to.
Committee meeting minutes session 2