
Young Scientists


Electricity in nature

We began by investigating static electricity. We were able to pick up small pieces of paper and even bend water using polystyrene rods. We even made our own ‘lightning’ – which was a shocking experience for the volunteers!

Next tried to figure out how to make the bulb light up using the equipment in our kits.

In our next experiment we found out about conductors and insulators and used this knowledge in our first challenge; to design working switches.

Design Challenges
  1. We were given a selection of materials and had to come up with our own design for a working switch. Then we tested them by connecting them into a circuit to control a light bulb.
Trying out our ideas
Hard work is never easy!


2. Our next challenge was to build an electronic quiz game.

We used our knowledge of conductors and insulators to connect 5 questions to 5 answers using strips of kitchen foil insulated with masking tape.



The questions and answers were arranged in a secret, random order.

The light bulb lit up when we chose the  correct answer because the foil completed the circuit.