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Book Week in Primary 6

Iagan is our class librarian this week. The librarian has the important job of keeping track of all of the books  that are taken out of the library and makes sure that they are returned whilst keeping the library tidy. A new librarian is appointed every week.  #bookweekscot

Story time

Primary 1a and Miss Johnston had the most amazing story time today. Inside the ladybird box was Miss Johnston’s favourite book ever!!! She was so excited! It was the best story time yet, a story time no one will ever forget! #BookWeekScot @AttainRen

Science at West College

Everybody had a great time at the science workshop at West College. There were several experiments to do including : fingerprinting, learning about explosive propulsion with Alka Seltzers and water, examining a lamb’s heart which turned out to be about the same size as their own, measuring their lung capacity and learning about acidity and alkalinity.