Thanks to the parents who have volunteered to be helpers and who came along to a short meeting today! I am delighted to be developing parental engagement and to have parents taking clubs, helping classes, organising our new library stock and being willing to help with trips and gardening!
All of these supports will make a big difference to our school and to our pupils. Thank you so much for giving up your time to support us. #parentalengagement
We were delighted that Joe and Lynn Feran came to visit our class today with their two pugs Gizmo and Lexi. We saw some super cute pictures of Lexi’s litter. We also learned that Gizmo is the father to 66 pugs! Just like in our story ‘Pugs of the Frozen North’! Here are some of the things we learned:
Pugs can’t see colour. They see everything in black and white. Amelia
They like to sleep a lot. Carmen
They shed a lot of hair. Murray
Pugs can run really fast. Nina K
Pugs can be fawn, apricot or black. Kayleigh
We absolutely loved having our visitors! Strangely, lots of members of Wallace staff happened to pass by Primary 3 this afternoon! Coincidence?!
To celebrate the children’s hard work on the novel ‘Pugs of the Frozen North’ we would like to invite you to our ‘Pug Fest’ event on Wednesday 14th February at 1.30pm until 2.45pm in the gym hall. There will be displays of the children’s work around the hall. There will also be a raffle where children can guess the pug’s birthday with the chance of winning a cuddly pug. We will also be selling pug cupcakes to help raise funds for our class. Pupils will be released from class at 3pm as usual. We look forward to seeing you there!
We have just heard back from a local Pug breeder who is willing to visit the class with 2 of his pugs and talk about them on Friday 2nd February. For health and safety reasons the children will not be allowed to touch the dogs. If you have any concerns about your child being involved with this please let us know as soon as possible.