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Sky Sports Event
P7 will be visiting Castlehead High School on Monday 26th February 2018 to take part in a Sky Sports event. Pupils will leave from Wallace Primary at 09:15 and return around 14:30. Transport to the event and a packed lunch will be provided.
Pupils should wear their P.E. kit to school. Since some of the activities will be outside, a jacket and tracksuit bottoms rather than shorts, should be worn. Pupils should also bring a snack and a bottle of water for interval.
While we expect everyone to have fun and enjoy themselves, we should also remember that we are representing Wallace Primary School too.
Euro Quiz 2018
P5 Maths Challenge
Mrs Robertson’s Numeracy class have been learning about the history and development of money. As part of this, pupils were asked to research the currency of a chosen country and present their findings to the class. Today, everyone got the chance to share their learning.
I had a fantastic time listening to everyone’s information. Thank you so much for putting in so much effort!
Iron Man
Ancient Egypt
No doubt you will have already heard that our topic this term is Ancient Egypt. You will be invited to the Opening of the Mummy’s Tomb. Until then, here’s a sneak preview of what to expect…
Word of the Week
Primary 1
This week we didn’t have one word of the week. We had two! He and she. We danced along to Elvis Costello.
Learning about sugar is sweet!
Primary 4 have been learning about sugar content and the importance of nutrition and a well-balanced diet. They created their own advertisements persuading their classmates to cut out the added sugar. Who knew that a Crème Egg has 17 spoonfuls of sugar in it?!