The children have been working with Mr Paterson and created some fantastic cranes! What a great project!
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Coming to a spelling lesson near you…
You will all be desperate to see a sneak peak of the next set of tricky words. Enjoy!
Autumn Art
Over the past few weeks the children have really shown an interest in their outdoor environment. We continue to enjoy doing the ‘daily mile’ when weather permits. Having a warm and waterproof jacket in school enables us to make the most of the outdoors. The children have found a variety of different autumnal items including tree seeds and different coloured and shaped leaves. We have had lots of discussions about these and in the past few days we have enjoyed several art activities including exploration of colour in particular the blending of primary colours.
Here are some of our pictures.
Topic Homework
Primary 1’s topic homework tonight involves writing on a post it note but silly Miss Johnston and Miss Clark forgot to give out post it notes. If you have any at home great but if not don’t worry about that part. Sorry
Autumn Leaves
Science Week
It’s windy!
Missing Cardigans
Primary 1
Could all girls check at home for two cardigans (belonging to two different girls) which are named? If you find them can they please be returned to school tomorrow, thank you.
This week in maths!
This week we are focussing on subtraction. We’re starting with 2 digit numbers but will very quickly move onto 3 digits. Please have a go of the subtraction game we are playing in class. And remember to keep practising those “Learn Its”!
Here is an additional task if you would like to practise at home: Homelink 24
Word of the Week
Primary 1 have been working hard to learn some common words this week. We danced to ‘The Twist’ for the tricky word ‘the’ everyday in class. Have a look! #learningtogether