Category Archives: Uncategorized

P7 Patterns

@AttainRen Primary 7 had a busy morning identifying and creating number patterns and sequences.  They worked together to create their own sequence and then used concrete materials to show the rule.  The class then spent time looking at other group’s patterns and tried to identify their rules…some were definitely more straightforward than others!


Good news!  Wallace Primary have access to Literacy areas on  Please have a go and tell us what you think!

Children can complete A.R. quizzes for books they have read at home?  Have a look on for information about word count, levels and a whole lot more!

Tables, tables, tables

As you can imagine, multiplication is a massive part of numeracy in Primary 4.   Here are some handy websites: (my personal favourite!)

And a wee bonus for those worksheet lovers out there: Sheet 15



Holiday Week Reading Challenge

Pictures have started to come in for our October holiday , ‘Get caught reading in an unusual place’ challenge! We are hoping for more people to bring in their pictures and have extended the deadline to next Friday. We have prizes at the ready!

Weekly Homework

This week we started spelling homework. This is linked to the spelling pattern being studied in class but also includes 4 common words which the children find tricky to spell. Instructions are glued into the children’s spelling books and are as follows:

  1. Copy your spelling words twice in your neatest writing.
  2. Try covering the words, can you spell them correctly?
  3. Choose one of the ways below (on the grid in everyone’s jotters) to write out your words

Homework is collected in every Friday morning and a spelling test takes place  – if you are interested this can be found in the back of homework jotters.