Category Archives: School News

Maths Week Scotland

We are looking forward to taking part in Scottish Maths Week. P1-3 are going to be linking Maths to Literacy through stories, Primary 5 have a week long school trip challenge, Primary 2 are linking Maths to Roald Dahl Day and lots more will be happening across the school. There will be an exciting homework challenge to complete as well as some fun active maths for assembly on Friday.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Meet the Teacher

Thanks to everyone who came along to Meet The Teacher tonight. It was great to meet so many parents. If you couldn’t make it along please look out for the presentations on the class web page.

Thanks to those who completed the survey. 100% found the evening useful and 100% preferred it to the previous format. Thanks for your feedback.

P7 Bowling

Primary 7 have loved visiting Elderslie Bowling Club for the past few weeks.  They’ve been busy learning all about the rules of bowls and now know how to bowl properly.  They’ll be taking part in a competition in the next few weeks when it’s Mrs Clydesdale’s class against Mr McGill’s class!  We’ll keep you updated on their progress.

Parental Survey


As mentioned in my newsletter I am very keen to consult and find out as much as I can about the school and nursery. I am completely committed to the process of self-evaluation, leading to improved learning and teaching and provision of the best possible experiences for the children at Wallace.

To support this process I would be very grateful if you could spend a few minutes completing this feedback form based on your child’s experiences over the last few years. I understand it may be early days for new parents to the school therefore feel free to miss out questions if you feel it is too early to answer.

Once collated I will share the results with you and our plans for school improvement.

Thank you for your support.


Mrs Susan Dalrymple

Head Teacher