Category Archives: Nursery

World Book Day Reminder

We are looking forward to World Book Day at Wallace this week. Boys and girls in the school or nursery are reminded they can ‘Dress up or Dress Down’ on Thursday. They can dress as a book character, come in their pyjamas or their own clothes. There is no charge for this. We will hold a costume parade in school for those dressed up to show their costumes off to the other classes.

This year World Book Day is promoting “Sharing a Story.” Children will be issued with a reading challenge which encourages them to share a story in many different ways. We are also very excited to welcome a number of parents to Wallace to Share a Story with classes. It is great to have so many parents coming in and involved in the life of the school.

Book Week 2017

What a fantastic week we had during #BookWeekScot @AttainRen !

On Monday, we had a Book Week Event.  There were so many things going on – a Literacy presentation for parents, a Reading Cafe for children, book quizzes, recommendation stalls and much more!  There were leaflets with information about Literacy in the Nursery-P1, P1-P3 and P4-7.  These will soon be available to download on our website. We had a lot of positive feedback from the Event.  Click below to read some of the lovely comments.

Pupil Evaluations from the event and Parent Evaluations from the event.

Throughout the week we had lots going on.  P4-7 and P1-3 wrote books! Each stage wrote one chapter then passed it on.  The finished products are amazing! Classes also created a reading display and transformed their libraries into cosy reading areas.

Thank you to everyone who came to our Event on Monday and to all staff and pupils for their hard work during Book Week.  We can’t wait for Book Week 2018!